Lands of Aethyr Geographic Location in Evenea | World Anvil

Lands of Aethyr (AE thir)

The Sky Lands, or the Aethyr, is a majestic place that is inhabited by the fae folk of Evenea, making it one of the most unique and prominent places in Evenea, but at the same the most mysterious. This document is to rectify this problem and make the Aethyr an appealing place to adventure.
The Sky Lands are a collection of archipelagos, mini continents, floating rivers, and an ocean of clouds. Long ago, these lands dwelled between Valoreum and Eveynjar, but by the power of the Archfey, the Togalai’fae, and the Cinniuint’fae these lands rose above all others, but in so doing split them up into the smaller islands and mini-continents.
The modern Aethyr is fascinating. Each collection of islands has its own unique variation of flora, fauna, and fae due to the influence of the Archfey, powerful beings from beyond Evenea that sought asylum in this plane. Each Archfey’s influence causes the life in their dominions to take on some part of themselves. For example a wolf in the Spriggan Woodsea would have a body made of wood, plant-like muscle, and fur made of bark; whereas in the Nephilline Archipelago, they would be two sizes larger. Here is a list of the major lands and the features of each.
Alternative Name(s)
The Skylands
Dimensional plane
Included Locations

Articles under Lands of Aethyr