The Valley of the Gods Geographic Location in Ethuria | World Anvil
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The Valley of the Gods

Where nothing grows and nothing dies.

A strange and ancient valley, nestled twixt two mysterious mountain ranges. The mountains are entirely separate from any other range, and should not be a possible geological feature.


The Two mountain ranges that sit either side of this valley are enormous, clutching at the sky and, in some places, reaching higher than the eye can see. There are many a river running from the range, the most prominent being the Violet Thread, that runs through Valdra. The snow-capped peaks run long down the mountains and blend into harsh stone and rock. There aren't any flora growing about the base or anywhere near it on the outside and animals seem to instinctively steer clear of it. The inside of the Valley in unknown to most mortals, as all who enter either never return, or leave with a terrible and fatal madness. The only recorded ones ever to leave with enough sanity to retain their cognitive functions to even a small degree were a group of five Tolaris Foc Extremists, the founders of Soddorash and the Soddoran Theocracy, including the esteemed Magnis Soddorash.


The Valley has always been a source of intrigue and even worship among the mortal races. One of the prime reasons for this is the strange pulses of Celestial-magic that seem to emanate from it. The Brimstone that also grows there has raised the curiosity of hundreds and all this has led to a common belief that this is a place beyond mortal comprehension, perhaps a gateway into another existence. It is believed that the Gods created the Valley as a sort of frame, to hold this thing, whatever it may be, in place.
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