Session IV - Mystery at Durmchapel Report in Ethuria | World Anvil
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Session IV - Mystery at Durmchapel

General Summary

The party has arrived at Durmchapel, having regrouped after their escapades. Persephone has returned with Ossein and Locke with grenades. Upon arriving, they notice a commotion in the village centre but as they arrive, the combat has already been taken care of by a Monk. Completely ignoring the question of how armed Skeletons got inside the massive village walls and how they did so with none of the guards noticing until it was too late, the party begins to piece together, with help from a third-party disembodied voice, that the Black Tower mentioned in the "Myths of Durmchapel" book seems familiar. They head to check it out and discover that it is identical in every way to the first tower. Once inside, they defeat the Mourngul guarding the location and begin to see the flesh be torn from the corpses at the base of the Tower. Persephone, forgetting what this signalled the last time she was here, stood still and watched her companions fall unconscious before a strange sensation washed over her and she was lurched through space, to the peak of a mountain-top, on the Western Ridge of the Valley of the Gods. The party left the Black Tower and, identical to the last time Persephone was here, beheld the enormous Obsidian Pyramid that loomed over the inside of the Valley. The corpses, now stripped of their flesh, began walking to the cliff-edge and throwing themselves off. This time, however, the two figures that were at the base the last time were not there, only one was. The more dangerous of the pair, the Mortisan Soulreaper, was missing. The party rushed back into the only structure in the area and hid in the Tower upon hearing footsteps from outside. Then with Ossein playing dead, they waited. Skeletal warriors entered the tower and began to move Ossein, before Persephone, in a fit of desperation, started making wailing noises outside, this distracted the Mortek Guard for long enough for the party to get a grasp on the situation and deduce what was happening. Instead, however, they decided that getting an ambiguous message to Locke, the human without darkvision, was vital, even though they didn't have a message to give him. The Mortek returned and continued to drag Ossein outside and down towards the edge of the cliff. The party then broke their way out of the tower with a flurry of grenades, eldritch blasts and stunning strikes. Smashing their way through the guard and almost falling to the relentless attack of the Mortisan's Mortek Warband, the party escaped across the Western Ridge, running South until they reached a, though still treacherous, path down. Now they find themselves in the Wilted Wood, an infamous forest known for its many perilous monsters, particularly Arachnid in nature.

Rewards Granted

  • Bracers of Defence

Character(s) interacted with

  • Zerkur
Report Date
13 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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