The Soddoran Theocracy Organization in Ethuria | World Anvil
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The Soddoran Theocracy

The Madmen of Radiant Flame

They are the devout followers of Tolaris Foc. Xenophobes and extremists, all willing to burn alive for their supreme God of Holy Fire.

Mythology & Lore

Tolaris Foc once was benevolent and kind, though when a new God, Ishyan, the God of Desire, devoured three of his siblings as they were born, Tolaris Foc, the God of Fire, became enraged. Ishyan is the Corruptor, the Tainter of Souls, he must be destroyed at all cost for what he has done. When Tolaris Foc came unto this world, he witnessed the horrors the Mortal Races had done to it and knew Ishyan's corruption to be responsible. He found those worthy to cleanse the world and imbued them with his eternal and true Fury, blinding their minds from desire.

Divine Origins

A group of five devout extremists to the cause of Tolaris Foc once delved too deep into The Valley of the Gods and learned things no mortal was ever meant to see. They went mad with rage and left ranting and muttering. They soon gathered a large following and set up a Fortress-city on the outskirts of the Valley of the Gods. While building this monument, however, there was a raid from an enormous force of Orcs, known later as The Silverfang Tribes. This many Orcs had never before gathered for such a cause as this; to protect a sacred treasured place? It was unheard of among them, they were a savage people. In this battle, the five suffered grievous fatal wounds and fell on the battlefield, though not before they had spread enough teachings to have created an army and a city. The knowledge of the Valley of the Gods was lost with them, and since then, the Soddoran Theocracy, named after the first to brave the Valley, Magnus Soddorash, has been at brutal war with the Tribes. At one point this escalated so far as to create a great fire that burned half of a Southern Elven Forest, leaving the Scorched Planes and the mysteriously surviving Eternal Wood behind.

Cosmological Views

They believe that the world should have been a perfect, desireless place of bliss and that Ishyan tainted it. This world thusly deserves to be rid of such an unforgivable stain as soon as possible.

Tenets of Faith

There is no desire. There is only Faith, Flame and Fury. Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.


Pure Fury. No desire. Be Cleansed by the Holy Flame.


Worship is a personal thing, though always involves the burning of something. The norm is to burn a sigil of Tolaris Foc, made from Hallowed Brimstone, akin to many of the Theocracy's weapons and armour. The metal burns eternally and produces a pheromone that causes seething rage in those nearby. It takes practice to control this anger, though Soddorans are taught from early on. Some Steel Inquisitors also worship by burning the shape of the sigil into the ground with Hallowed Brimstone Powder, which burns for hours, scarring the earth irreparably. They often conduct this after the cleansing of a large group has been carried out such as the extermination of a cult, in which case only charred corpses and that scar of the ground remain.


High Prelan

The ruler supreme of the Fortress-City. Chosen by the Hallowed Flame each year through a trial by combat where all, no matter the background are allowed to compete for the ever-burning blade.

Lord Inquisitor

The highest of the Steel Inquisitors. In charge of the laws and governing of Soddorash. Elected from amongst the Inquisitors themselves.
The Flame-Bringers
Personal Guard to the High Prelan. There are fifteen of them in total, each of whom usually roams a certain part of the city, acting as lords over the area. Those fifteen are at the will of the High Prelan and are an elite force of powerful immortals, granted eternal life by Tolaris Foc, in return for their servitude.
High Cantons
An advisory committee of 8 to the High Prelan. They are chosen by the High Prelan upon appointment. They act as judges in court and oversee the workings of the city. They each have specific roles: Finance, Worship(x3), Defense, Judgement(x2).
Steel Inquisitors
Terrifying creatures of pure hate for heresy. They act as a law enforcement force within Soddorash and often go on extermination missions to rid the land of heretics and demon-worshipping cultists.
The most common preacher of the words of Tolaris Foc, who remain in churches around the city giving sermons and services to the population, they are the prime maintainers of faith.

Granted Divine Powers

Limited protection from Demonic desires. A constant sense of anger and fury, though it is not a hindrance on life unless they unleash it.

Political Influence & Intrigue

They have earned hate, which is mutual, from most non-human settlements and are strongly disliked by many of the human ones for their extreme Xenophobia.


The Steel Inquisition is a branch of Inquisitors that run a sizeable portion of the city's guard and law enforcement force.
Controlled Territories


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