Paragon Item in Ethuria | World Anvil
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Pride is a vicious grasp that plagues the hearts of the best men. It is a fine line that very few have been able to tread, one surrounded on all sides by the vile hands of corruption that tug and shove.  
" I call thy name, heed mine will.
Wallow in our pride and destroy all those who stand to scratch it.
Come to me, Paragon! "

Mechanics & Inner Workings

  • Paragon is a +3 Longsword
  • When drawn, the wielder gains +3 AC. The blade cannot bear to have it's pride ruined and will take over the muscles of the wielder and do anything to make sure they aren't hit. If an enemy's attack hits the wielder's exact AC before Paragon's bonus, or up to but not including the new AC, the wielder may immediately counterattack as a reaction but the strength bonus is not added to this attack.
  • While Paragon is on a person, they feel a sense of pride surrounding them.
  • It is nearly impossible for one who has unsheathed this blade to put it down again, for another weapon. Paragon, as its name suggests, is the apex of swords and cannot be bested; hence it would be foolish to pick up another, far inferior blade.
  • Paragon is said to have other effects and abilities, but they have not been recorded by its past wielders.


One of the seven weapons found by the Order of the Seven Kings, it remains lost to history in the eyes of many but those the stories have been passed down to. Paragon was granted to King Valdra and became an heirloom to the Royal Family.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization


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