Scorchvine Item in Ethuria | World Anvil
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The wrath of man is his most powerful weapon and his deadliest foe. It can bring out power beyond the limits of whoever wields it, yet so simply can one fall to its influence and be consumed by emotion.
" May flame and fury engulf our path, and melt the tears of torture from our enemies. Erupt forth from my rage and in our wake leave the ashes of those who stood against us. Burn them all to cinders, Scorchvine! "

Mechanics & Inner Workings

  • Scorchvine is a +3 Whip
  • Scorchvine deals an additional 1d6 fire damage with each of its attacks.
  • Every time a creature is brought to 0 HP with this weapon, the whip that dealt the killing blow splits into two new trails of flame. These new whips allow the wielder to make an extra attack whenever they take the attack action on their turn for each additional whip, however, the wielder's proficiency bonus is not added to the attack for all whips that the wielder would not normally be able to attack with. If the wielder is already capable of making X attacks with a whip on their turn, Scorchvine begins with X whips instead of one. The extra whips vanish after a short or long rest, or when the whip is recalled.
  • While Scorchvine is on a person, they feel a constant draw to anger.
  • It is nearly impossible for one who has unravelled this whip to put it down again, for another weapon. Scorchvine is far too effective at satisfying the wielders rage to bother comparing it to others like it.
  • Scorchvine is said to have other effects and abilities, but they have not been recorded by its past wielders.


One of the seven weapons found by the Order of the Seven Kings, it remains lost to history in the eyes of all but those the legends have been passed down to. Scorchvine was given to the High Prelan of Soddorash and has remained in the Theocracy's possession since.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization


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