Via Lactea

Written by Ademal

Via Lactea shall always belong to Humanity. So long as my soul inhabits this plane I shall never again see it fall into the hands of another.
Via Lactea is the modern name for what was once known as the Milky Way. Via Lactea is the galactic cradle of the Human Sophont, and is the seat of The Church of The Somnolent.   It's primary solar system is the Sol System, although there are other WayPoints throughout it.
Alternative Name(s)
The Milky Way
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: Milky Way


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Dec 2, 2018 20:23 by TJ Trewin

Does the name have any relation to lacto/milk? I like the familiarity in the words regardless! :D

Journals of Yesteryear

Dec 3, 2018 01:39 by Ademal

Yep! Via Lactea was the original Latin name for the Milky Way! 'Via' means road, Lactea means 'Milky'!

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Dec 3, 2018 09:11 by TJ Trewin


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