
Earth is the Cradle World of Humanity, and the capital planet of the Church of The Somnolent.

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Making a Child of Eden

Abandoned by the Pact and Syndicate, the life of humanity for the last few generations has been marked by the titanic effort of enduring and reversing the more catastrophic effects of climate change. Humanity's choices up to the Advent of the Sazashi left them dying on a world of crumbled infrastructure and scattered-city states, weak enough for Sazashi to colonize.

When the Pact left Earth, those which remained behind—those complicit in the colonization and those who suffered it, were left with an Earth wracked with famine, disease, and corruptive magics. Were it not for the Church of The Somnolent, the infrastructure of their oppressors would have remained, and Earth may have declined into silence. Instead, the monks of the church used newly mastered magics—Projection magic—to upset and claim the power balance of earth, renaming it to Eden. They spread Eden's meager resources around, taught all humans how to use Projections, and began to organize a rebuild of Earth.

Several generations have passed, and the efforts of the Church have paid off. Lands which were once grey and faded once more fill with life. It has been a slower process than the terraformation of other worlds, mostly because the attempt is to create a garden, not a thicket.

What is your Role

I restore our garden

There isn't a human alive who experienced Eden at its peak. Were it not for old footage and the proof of scientific record, humanity would not know what it has lost. It was your job to remind them, to restore the world that was and plant a future anew in revitalized soil.

I restore our spirit

It is easy to look around and conclude that Eden is a doomed world, full of toxins, viruses, and waste which other terraforming efforts don't need to account for. Such an undertaking required leadership on both the local and macro levels, and a clarity of spirit.

I restore our dignity

To the more bigoted among the Sazashi and Verin, to call something human is an epithet that questions its eptitude and moral character. As a voice of the people, whether politically or artistically, you've spent your life showcasing, to humans and aliens alike, that Eden is more than a broken, conquered world.

Rukta is the currency of Ethnis. It separates the haves from the have-nots.


Vitality is one of your favored Attributes.

You start with an Envirosuit.


Fulfilling a Mantra restores 2 Sanity and uses up the Mantra until your next downtime.

Choose one of the following and gain it as a Mantra for your character.

Take care of your tools and they will take care of you.

So long as I breathe, it's not over.

Do not doubt the power of determination.

What darkness do you drive back?

The Empty and Dead

Ecological collapse at the hands of industry have left much of the world barren and polluted. Rebuilding the world as it was is impossible, but that does not mean it needs to be left dead. New forests can be planted, new mountain ranges sculpted, new reefs seeded. You were a part of that effort.

Choose a favored attribute: Lower Body or Acuity.

Start with the following:

  • Survivalist's Backpack
  • Hunter's Knife
  • Canister Gun and 5 Impact Gel Canisters

The Polluted and Blighted

When Jhoutaioan forces occupied Earth, they brought many of their domesticated species with them—a deluge of invasive species which either breathed fresh life into the world or did greater harm, depending on who you ask. Many of these creatures, and the toxins produced by Jhoutaioan flora, are here to say, and need cultivation.

Choose a favored attribute: Upper Body or Reflex.

Start with the following:

  • Hunter's Knife
  • Rebreather
  • Camo Harness

The Stained and Corrupted

The Advent brought the Meta to Eden, as well as the many complications and threats which come with it. Outbreaks of vampirism, the undead, and sanity storms tested humanity on a biblical scale, and remain a danger even to this day. Curtailing these threats became your full time job.

Choose a favored attribute: Metaphysics or Nerve.

Start with the following:

  • Meta Cask
  • Kinetic Sling
  • Spell Gnasher


You're a leader, restoring society and the faith in it.
Nerve is one of your favored Attributes.

You start with Gossamer Vestaments


Fulfilling a Mantra restores 2 Sanity and uses up the Mantra until your next downtime.

Choose one of the following and gain it as a Mantra for your character.

There is no subsitute for will.

Hope is not a wild flower, it must be cultivated and tended.

Our experiences and wounds have made us stronger.

What is your career?


Your calling was simple: to help people. Whether that was as medic, guide, mentor, or missionary, your calling drew you away from safety and towards slums and remote towns. Often, the journey was more dangerous than the destination or the objective, and you grew tough under the blazing sun.

Choose a favored attribute: Vitality or Lower Body.

Start with the following:

  • Medical Probe
  • Muscle Sheath Raiment
  • Rebreather


Corruption is the natural state of the spirit when left unchecked with power. It was your job to seek out and correct the wrongs of those injustices, and to theorize new ways to prevent them. Sometimes, excising corruption and implementing solutions devolved into a bloody affair.

Choose a favored attribute: Upper Body or Reflex.

Start with the following:

  • Shock Baton
  • Investigator's Lens
  • Flechette Pistol


Much of humanity still clings onto old beliefs or methods, uncertain or unwilling to advance without a nudge in the right direction. The Sages are the ones who provide those nudges through advice and demonstration. Traveling through the societies of Eden and providing guidance to local leaders requires being smart enough to know what is needed and how to get it there.

Choose a favored attribute: Metaphysics or Acuity.

Start with the following:

  • SysTome
  • Psiolic's Wand
  • Machinist's Toolkit or Genesculptors Toolkit


Metaphysics is one of your favored Attributes.

Start with a Portable Cooking Kit.


Fulfilling a Mantra restores 2 Sanity and uses up the Mantra until your next downtime.

Choose one of the following and gain it as a Mantra for your character.

Great strength can spring from terrible pain.

I must keep my head held high.

Nobody can tell me who I am.

What is your career?


Technology may have been part of the path that led to Eden's current plight, but it is also the only tool powerful enough to cure it. Working with Technology is no longer just mechanics and computing, but metaphysical enchantment and even orga engineering. Developing ways to revert Eden's woes required an unbreakable alliance of minds.

Choose a favored attribute: Vitality or Acuity.

Start with the following:

  • Machinist's Toolkit or Genesculptors Toolkit
  • Orga Material (20) OR Mecha Material (20)
  • Livestream Comm


Humanity has undergone brutality after brutality; a dwindling ember of pride threatens to be extinguished by the need to survive. Your life was spent working to give a humanity a creative voice in the greater universe. Whether it be revitalizing humanities long-past golden ages, or trying to create your own new spark, it required you to believe in what Humanity could bring to the table.

Choose a favored attribute: Acuity or Nerve.

Start with the following:

  • Dancer's Fan
  • Pack (20) of Stim Cigs
  • Machinist's Toolkit or Genesculptors Toolkit


While they are not the explorers of old, Adventines still set out into the universe at large, seeking ways not only to better Humanity, but also promote positive relations with other Sophont and cultures. Setting out to learn is more perilous now than it was when Eden and Jhoutai first met, and to learn from the universe you first had to be able to survive it.

Choose a favored attribute: Upper Body or Lower Body.

Start with the following:

  • Kinetic Sling
  • Survivalist's Backpack
  • Hunter's Knife

Updating your Sheet

You have chosen your origin. If you are satisfied with your selection, write down your chosen items in your inventory, and make a temporary note of your favored attributes—they will be important to the next step of character creation.

Articles under Earth

Cover image: Somnancy Banner Cover by Ademal


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