
So long as the stars divide us from other Sophont, then you, reader, are likely Human. As such, you know a passable amount of the story of Humanity already.

Descended from apes in the Cradle of Life in Africa, humanity boldly set out across the globe in search of greener pastures and redder meat. They grew wild in river valleys, and over generations of effort formed a spiderweb of civilization sprawling the whole of their globe.

Beyond that? Ethnis.

Humanity is tired of falling. They've fallen so many times, and so low, that they innately know the face of Oblivion.

They have been laid low by hand after hand, with the worst being their own.

They destroyed their world to make the finest nails for their coffin. When Pact nations first found Earth in 2286, they found a dying world with a dwindling population -- still numerous and reproducing, but stil some several billion people shorter then the previous generation.

Humanity wasn't prepared to stave off an alien invasion. It tried. In the name of clinging onto Earth, onto life, onto the hope of taking every last drop of blood from their aggressors to water Earth's crops for just another generation of humanity to be born. If nothing, at least that.

A staggering amount of humanity died.

Watch any historical archive. It'll tell you. It will say that humanity lost the war, that Aempis (the aforementioned Pact Nation), a mere country, had won against all of the planet of Earth.

They'll gush about how this proved to the Pact that conquest was its destiny, that it could go fearless into the stars, certain that it can handle whatever threats lurking on the edge of an ever- expanding, ever-thriving empire.

And then you'll close that book and you'll walk outside and I guarantee you, whatever world you're on, humanity is there. Thousands of years later. Humanity is still here.


We got tired of falling.

We've learned to stick the landing.

You can't scare me.

I know the face of Oblivion.


A World in Chaos

After the turn of the 21st Century, earth took a turn for the worst. Humanity had grown in number faster than it had grown in wisdom. Its mindset was not globally sustainable.   Capitalism ran its course, putting profit over sustainability, and humanity was unable to correct itself in time. Global climate change, unchecked plagues, economic crashes, a cold-war arms race of unmanned drones and bioengineering, and countless other crises.   Buried under a strata of apocalyptic terrors and existential threats, humanity clung to any hope of survival it could find. A tapestry of brutal violence and beautiful collaboration followed.

The Alien Advent


The Rise and Expansion

Modern Times


Humanity lost war on paper, but aempis wanted a treaty as much as they did. Aempis could have won, but in doing so would sacrifice its footing on its home world, opening itself up to attack.

Instead, Aempis turned around and invested heavily into earth using meta and jhoutaioan life to help restore some of earth and get humanity growing again, to defend itself against the likely, growing threat of an attack by its neighbors.

That threat came to be during the Rilaem war, which claimed the most human lives since not even the Advent War, in which Aempis and Humanity fought, but rather The Last Day -- the moment in which hundreds of years of ecological decline came to a head and the great human machine sputtered out.

Blood began to poor soon after. The starving and the thirsty fought in the streets while onlookers watched in shocked horror, until soon it was them on the streets too.

The Rilaem war came on the heels of a time of rampant growth for humanity. They may have lost the war, but they were alive, and thanks to Aempian technology parts of Earth were beginning to flourish. Lean parents filled their homes with children fed on all the feasts they had longed for as final meals to what had been a dying world.

Their numerous children grew up strong and they grew up tall. They grew up angry and tired, too, because their lives were easier than their parents but still far from easy.

Aempis just had to say the right thing to strike a match in the powderkeg.

Aempis had many enemies. It's a recurring theme with them.

Their primary enemy was Valuser'ran Cessation (Supremacy, Procession?), who they claimed their independence from. Their secondary enemy was The Faurridarran Territories, whom they had fractured into a jigsaw of shifting alliances in their political maneuvering to gain their independence.

This put them square in the center of a whole web of global politics.

When the Advent war weakened them, that web started to close in on Aempis. Valuser'rh started to take land back, the Fauri started to take revenge.

Aempis held out. Humanity grew strong. The Fauri began attacking key Aempian points on Earth, and Valuser'rh had eyes for its precious metals and other rare bounties.

"Fight for us," Aempis said. "They might just finish what we started."

Further concessions to allow mass Human migration to Earth after the war helped, of course.

Humanity fought like hell.

Over the course of a single war, the human fighter overturned its pitied reputation to show a ferocity attributed to the Sazashi for any war before.

Even as the Rilaem war raged, Sazashi marched in the streets to protest on behalf of humanity. If they could die for Jhoutai, they deserved to live there, too, to be treated as citizens and given the right to vote.

The war raged. Aempis was pushed to the brink, into certain death. But humanity knew that face already, and did not flinch, and it dug Aempis out of the grave and put it on its feet and back into power.

In a rare turn, Aempis held its word after the war.

Billions dead to protect their captor, just to get permission to keep on living, to be seen as a person.

They took their footholds where they could find them, and spread as far as they could throughout Jhoutai. Strictly Aempis at first, but soon taking any foothold, any bare opportunity, in lands beyond, as well.

Earth began to vote, to hold a sway, no matter how tenuous, over the politics of Jhoutai. Anything was something, so they put everything they could into leveraging their connection for any more assurances of rights, of survival.

And then the Bannercasting came, and the Pact Nations unified into the great beast they are today, and that lever broke.

Aempis didn't need Earth anymore. Earth was strong, but the Pact had still sapped it down and made it reliant on them. It had still subjugated them with laws and business, feeding off of their ecology and economy.

When Aempis left Earth to it's own devices--unceremoniously leaving its own behind -- it plunged humanity into fresh chaos.

Suddenly the governments of earth lost their one leverage over its people: the power of Aempis behind them.

Turmoil followed, and once voice cried out in the chaos, strong and clear.

He came to them in their dreams. The Somnolent. He spoke of the great awakening of humanity, of the sleeping giant. He had mastered the Psiolic arts that humanity had been denied access to or mastery of. He flooded the Earth with meta and performed a miracle: showing to humanity that it had access to parts of the meta that not even the Sazashi or the Verin did. Projections

The Somnolent spoke to Humanity in its dreams. He taught each of them how to do it. Whether they were on Earth or Jhoutai, he spoke to them in chorus. Whether they burned with hope for humanity or saw it as a lost cause, his tears flowed for them.

Moved by this miracle, humanity paid head to the lessons.

Humanity had to reject all shackles over itself and over each other. Humanity had seen, firsthand, what could happen when greed was allowed to dictate the shape of society. Earth would have died without the timely intervention of Aempis, and Humanity's history was so shaped by the horrors of exploitation and colonization that it was salt in the wound that alien colonization had been the bitter pill of their salvation.

Greed cannot be allowed to enter the heart. Humanity had to reject greed. It had to reject the corporations and governments which had allowed the Pact to rule. Humanity had to redefine itself if it hoped to continue.

Most listened, many took it to heart, few knew what to do with it, some began to find each other.

Convent after Convent, the Church of the Somnolent formed.

Hierarchy was spurned...

Let each have as little power over another as can be imagined.

...but as one the Church looked to its prophet. Its messiah.

*If you can take no other victory, take at least the last laugh."

The grip of the corporations and governments began to slip, and panic, and under the guise of escaping a (now, once again) dying earth to colonize new worlds.

"The ecosystem is so toxic we would sooner see rainforests on Mars than a clean river on earth. There's something to be said about a blank slate. --directoriate member

(Church might need rename)

The Pact abandoned Earth. The wealthy abandoned Earth.

Only the discarded remained. The Church became the only coherent message.

"What do we do," humanity asked.

And he showed them how to train their projections, how they could be used to save and restore earth.

(Verin drop by earth on way out, trade some ships for resources. Church makes their own. Church bids on cheap worlds and grows slowly, but really sets in roots on worlds it claims

(They hit hard if they are cornered. When the gates closed it caused fissures in beliefs and interpretations of the Somnolent. He may be alive but few humans off earth rarely go there so they never see him except in video


A Unique Element of Meta

Humans have access to a unique element of Meta called Astral, this allows them to generate phantoms of themselves. These phantoms retain a portion of their skill, making them invaluable for tasks which require multiple people.


Big ol derps


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a finibus libero. Curabitur vel mauris congue, interdum dui at, euismod dui. Suspendisse vitae interdum nulla, nec faucibus odio. Maecenas urna mi, finibus ac mattis eu

placerat non mi. Maecenas in dui feugiat, suscipit felis sed, maximus metus. Nullam non diam finibus, mollis velit sed, dapibus augue. Vestibulum consequat non velit vitae interdum. Duis lacinia mauris id ornare dignissim. Praesent non elit nisl.

Sed quis efficitur sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam vitae arcu consectetur, sagittis tortor et, sollicitudin quam. Nam vehicula ullamcorper erat a lobortis.

Labor (Resource)
Labor (Construction)
Exploration (Scouting)
Coordination (Survival)


Big ol derps

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a finibus libero. Curabitur vel mauris congue, interdum dui at, euismod dui. Suspendisse vitae interdum nulla, nec faucibus odio. Maecenas urna mi, finibus ac mattis eu

placerat non mi. Maecenas in dui feugiat, suscipit felis sed, maximus metus. Nullam non diam finibus, mollis velit sed, dapibus augue. Vestibulum consequat non velit vitae interdum. Duis lacinia mauris id ornare dignissim. Praesent non elit nisl.

Sed quis efficitur sem. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam vitae arcu consectetur, sagittis tortor et, sollicitudin quam. Nam vehicula ullamcorper erat a lobortis.

Labor (Resource)
Labor (Construction)
Exploration (Scouting)
Coordination (Survival)

Human by Ademal


The first born, the foremost.


  • Urban Majority
  • Rural Moderity
  • Colonial Minority
  • Celestial Moderity
Traits: •

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a finibus libero. Curabitur vel mauris congue, interdum dui at, euismod dui. Suspendisse vitae interdum nulla, nec faucibus odio. Maecenas urna mi, finibus ac mattis eu

placerat non mi. Maecenas in dui feugiat, suscipit felis sed, maximus metus. Nullam non diam finibus, mollis velit sed, dapibus augue. Vestibulum consequat non velit vitae interdum. Duis lacinia mauris id ornare dignissim. Praesent non elit nisl.



  • Urban Majority
  • Rural Moderity
  • Colonial Minority
  • Celestial Moderity
Instinctual Traits: ironClad_LobeEnviro-Adaptive
Learned Traits: Math SynesthesiaMagnetoception

2 Paragraphs on Information.



  • Urban X
  • Rural X
  • Colonial X
  • Celestial X
Instinctual Traits:
Learned Traits:

2 Paragraphs on Information.



  • Urban X
  • Rural X
  • Colonial X
  • Celestial X
Instinctual Traits:
Learned Traits:

2 Paragraphs on Information.



  • Urban X
  • Rural X
  • Colonial X
  • Celestial X
Instinctual Traits:
Learned Traits:

2 Paragraphs on Information.



  • Urban X
  • Rural X
  • Colonial X
  • Celestial X
Instinctual Traits:
Learned Traits:

2 Paragraphs on Information.

Cover image: The Somnolent by LA Draws


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Dec 11, 2018 04:36 by Damion Otter


Primary author of the NobleDark, Fantasy setting Realms of Ravare.
Dec 11, 2018 04:42 by Ademal

Todo: Make this actually interesting.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Oct 8, 2019 19:23

Why are those two unplayable? :O

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Oct 8, 2019 23:08 by Ademal

More that they aren't a part of the core game. Or weren't. Undaunted have crept onto the stage as a core playable Sophont since I did this XD

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
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