Arsom Character in Ethnis | World Anvil


The leader of the Sazashi community of Vorshurr. He negotiated a trade with the Envoys to trade The Baikal they needed to cross the sea in exchange for a car and engine of their Trundler and their assistance in locating the long forgotten knowledge left in the long lost Library of Kohilya.
"-Please, come in and we'll discuss over drink. A runner already informed me of the conversation so far.-"

The Parisan took a seat at the foot of the desecrated statue as a Ka carried in a small keg, tapped it, and poured Kale for all interested. If the leader noticed Lev's silent anguish - which had now turned into expressionless tears streaking his cheeks, he made no mention of it. Nor did he mention of open Somnancy iconography on his armor.

"-You want one of our ships-," he said once all were seats. "-I'm willing to give it, and perhaps some tools or crew, to you in return for your Trundler and a task. The more you're willing to part with the more I'm willing to give. Interested?-" "
— B1CH11
Ruled Locations

Cover image: The Saumain Crow by Ademal via Midjourney


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