Sunkenweed Rope

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Sunkenweed rope is a stretchy, light brown rope material that is made from the roots of sunkenweed plants. Depending on the tightness of the knots made when creating the rope, the amount of give that it has is variable.
Sunkenweed rope is used to anchor boats or other vehicles that move dependent on environmental effects - such as the driftboat.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

Sunkenweed rope is a highly popular form of rope among most people for casual use, such as railings, games like jump rope or tug of war, and fastening things that are prone to a lot of movement. For these purposes, it is incredible effective.

Industrial Use

Sunkenweed rope is not always reliable in an industrial setting, unfortunately. It is highly variable in the exact amount that it is able to stretch, so it cannot be used in anything that requires exact measurements, as this intorduces an unnecessary variable to some things that cannot account for it.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

During the process of making sunkenweed rope, the actual sheaths of the sunkenweed grass are removed, as they do not share the same elastic properties as their roots. These sheaths of grass can be eaten or made into some food dishes, but do not contribute to the creation of the rope at all (unless sustenence for the workers creating the rope counts as contribution).

Reusability & Recycling

Sunkenweed rope is highly recycleable, and can be repurposed into a few other things if broken. It is completely safe to discard, as well, though some kuuyikar enjoy the dried flavour and would prefer to clean and then eat it.
Why? It's rope. Why would you even want to... nevermind.
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Cover image: Brown Ropes by Pixabay


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