The Acolyte Building / Landmark in Esseand | World Anvil

The Acolyte

An apothecary in the town of Runswick run by the half-elf, Relmae.


Unlike the surrounding structures, this little shop is made mostly out of wood. It's one of the newer buildings in town and has a heavier elven influence than anything else in town. A notable difference is the fact that it has two stories and no basement. The second story holds the owner's room and has a balcony overlooking the city. A very unusual sight in dwarven architecture.


It has stood for a long time as the first and only business in Runswick that is not owned by dwarves. As such it has often served as a meeting place for other outsiders who visit the town, primarily half-elves like the owner herself.
  Relmae claims she opened up the shop as a book-end to a decades-long pilgrimage she undertook on behalf of her tribal ancestors.
There's nothing that the ancient secrets of the Elverfolk can't cure!
— Relmae
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