Friday Revolution Military Conflict in Essaria | World Anvil

Friday Revolution

  The Friday Revolution was a civil war fought in the country of Allesend in August of 354 AE. It was the culmination of decades of dissent following the Independence War, the Alln Civil War, and the restructuring of the Allesend Empire. The Revolution led to the ordinary citizens gaining the right to vote for the Alln Parliament.

The Conflict


After the Independence War ended with the Treaty of Celestina, the nobility turned against the Imperial Leaders in Allesar in a bloody civil war. By the end, the Holy Council was executed, and the Alln Parliament was established to check the powers of the Emperor.   However, little consideration was given to the peasant class of the newly-formed Allesend. As the nobility continued to gain power over the Emperor and the rest of the country, the common citizen, beaten and battered after two consecutive wars, was left destitute. Unfairly worked and unrepresented in the new Parliament, dissent of the ruling noble class grew swiftly.  

The Friday Revolution

On Friday 12 August, 350 AE, peasants in Allesar rioted and stormed the Imperial Palace. They quickly took members of Parliament and the Emperor hostage. Nobles fled the city in droves as their homes were raided and looted by citizens.   Word quickly spread from the capital. Emboldened by these actions, peasants across the country rose up against the nobility, capturing dozens of castles and palaces.   Four days later, on Tuesday 16 August, Parliament and the Emperor unanimously passed the Peasant Dissolution Act, giving all non-noble citizens of Allesend the right to vote and run for office.


The makeup of the Alln Parliament was fundamentally changed after the Friday Revolution. Now with the ability to vote and serve in office, ordinary citizens had a new power, unlike any they had held before. During the Parliamentary election cycle in 351, citizens were almost unanimously elected.
Conflict Type
Start Date
12 August 350 AE
Ending Date
16 August 350 AE