Erminster Settlement in Essaria | World Anvil


  Erminster is the largest city in Faloriand and serves as the nation's capital. It is the seat of power for the Church of the Unseen God and Archbishop Cheldric. The city is perpetually lit by the Beorhtron.   In ages past, Erminster was the only permanently neutral ground for the warring fiefdoms of Faloriand, and was where the elected Monarch ruled. Now, it is directly owned by the Church.   Besides its standing as the Church's center of power, Erminster is known for its ancient musical tradition, holding some of the greatest music halls in Allethra. Countless musicians have lived and composed in Erminster before, during, and after Imperial rule. Erminster is also the center of the Falorian sport of Bannerment. Erminster is home to the Library of the Ancients, which is rivaled only by the library at Eshad University.

Industry & Trade

Erminster is one of the largest producers of books in Allethra. Many nations outsource printing, illustration, and illumination to the city.   Erminster is the largest and one of the only ports of trade in Faloriand. Its location on the Iron Bay gives its ports a high degree of safety from weather and piracy. The various exports of various fiefdoms make their way here to ship to other parts of the world.


Around 900 BE, a horde of abberations from the Pliscian Wastes began to invade southern Faloriand, and the order of Vigil called for aid from any who would send it. In response, the Falorian fiefdoms established a neutral meeting ground to elect the first Monarch. This meeting ground was established under the Beorhtron, a strange magical landmark that hovered in the sky near the Iron Bay. This settlement grew swiftly, attracting refugees wishing to avoid war along with orphan noble families with no land.   By 600 BE, Erminster had become the largest city in the nation. With no single House ruling the city, and with the Monarch subject to the whims of the fiefdoms, Erminster emerged as a democratic oddity in Faloriand. Despite no central organization - or perhaps because of it - Erminster stood as a bastion of peace and stability within the fractious nation.   In the pre-Imperial age, Erminster became a haven for musicians and other artists from around the world. Some of the most famous historical concertos, operas, and symphonies were composed and performed in the city. The city itself, with the beautiful light of the Beorhtron shining down, inspired many great paintings.   In 1 AE, after the rise of God-Emperor Alles-Taluus, Erminster was conquered and established as a provincial capital of the Allesend Empire. The Monarchy was dissolved, leaving no unified leader for the once-nation. For decades, the Falorian people rebelled against Imperial rule, but they were eventually pacified.   Near the end of the Empire, a heretical religion rose up under the belief that the late Alles-Taluus had not been God himself, but rather the prophet of a greater Unseen God. The movement gained popularity swiftly, spreading to the fiefdoms. In 302 AE, the first Archbishop was named and Faloriand declared its independence from the Empire.   During the first year of the War for Independence, Erminster was the centerpoint of fighting. The Falorians reclaimed their capital city street by street in bitter urban combat. Much of the city was damaged. Even now, some scars from the Battle of Erminster remain. After a year of fighting over the city, Faloriand drove the Empire out of Erminster. The rest of the war was waged with the capital as the centerpoint proof that the Empire could be overthrown.   In 412 AE, Hiladhel declared its independence from Faloriand. Before a sizeable army could be massed, the Hilan navy blockaded the Iron Bay and the ports of Erminster. No battle was fought, but the message was clear: Hiladhel's naval supremacy could destroy Erminster before it could retaliate.

Level 9 Metropolis

Founding Date
900 BE
Large city
Included Locations
Owning Organization