Church of the Unseen God Organization in Essaria | World Anvil

Church of the Unseen God

The Church of the Unseen God is the major religion of Faloriand and that nation's ruling faction. It first appeared in Allethra near the end of the Allesend Empire as a splinter religion, claiming that God-Emperor Alles-Taluus was not divine himself, but was rather an emissary of some greater, Unseen power. They viewed the God-Emperor's death as punishment for the Empire's stagnation, and the split would eventually ignite the Independence War.   Followers of the Unseen God abhor complacency above all else. This belief seems to stem from both Faloriand's history of dynamically changing power and from the stagnation that marked the end of the Allesend Empire's reign.   Chapels and temples to the Unseen God are plentiful in Faloriand, as the lords of the nation vie for religious economic support. Towns will typically have several churches, and even the smallest of villages will have a wealthy temple.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories