Usas'asa Character in Esau | World Anvil
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Goddess Usas'asa (a.k.a. the Goddess of Dawn)

Name: Usas'asa
Known as: Goddess of the Dawn; First Breath of the Day ;

Considered to have been alongside Taiia (the guardian of the Sun), Klodis (the Land) and Nokomis (Mother Nature). Plus, with aid of the Gods and Goddesses of the element planes, in the greater development of the terrain and features of Esau.

Usas'asa is considered to be younger than the Goddess Taiia, whom mentored Usas'asa. However, Usas'asa is more ancient than The Morning Lord - Lathander/Amaunator, (although never referred to as The Morning Lords' mother - more their guide and cohort).

She is revered as the deity who revivifies earth each day, drives away the chaos and the darkness, sets all things in motion, sends all living beings to do their tasks (if they listen).

Usas'asa appears riding in a shining chariot drawn by golden-red horses or cows, a beautiful orange haired maiden with golden shining eyes - bedecked with jewels, smiling and irresistibly attractive, who brings cheer to all those who gaze upon her. She dispels darkness, reveals treasures and truths that have been hidden, illuminates the world as it truly is.

Usually at peace with The Twin Moons and Sehanine Moonbow. Although, considered as a nemisis to Hecate Darkmoon - who once was the peaceful Moonweaver.

"Usas'asa is consistently identified with dawn, revealing herself with the daily coming of light to the world, driving away oppressive darkness, chasing away evil demons, rousing all life, setting all things in motion, sending everyone off to do their duties. She is the life of all living creatures, the impeller of action and breath, the foe of chaos and confusion, the auspicious arouser of cosmic and moral order."

Divine Domains

* Dawn
* New Day
* Productive Day
* Protection from Dark Forces


Contacts & Relations

Followed mainly by the Sunrayin Tribe.

Divine Classification
Primary Deity
Lawful Good
She / Her
Aligned Organization


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