Baseline Humans Species in Era of Expansion | World Anvil
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Baseline Humans

Homo Sapiens Neofundamentum, or Baseline Human, is an artificially evolved form of the Homo Sapiens containing the prolific Baseline Genome. This evolutionary change creates stronger, smarter, more resilient post-humans that are nearly superior to their ancestors in every way. The genetic changes are so significant that any genealogical way for tracing the origins of any individual posthuman is impossible.

Basic Information


The general anatomy of the baseline human is very similar to that of pre-baseline humans; meaning that most medical procedures, cybernetics, clothing, and tools pre-baseline event are still completely useable by Posthumans. At a glance, they are nearly indistinguishable, bar a few subtle yet key features.

Genetics and Reproduction

The reproduction cycle for baselines is relatively unchanged compared to that of normal humans. The gestation period for offspring is roughly 10 months as opposed to roughly 9.

Growth Rate & Stages

The average lifespan for a baseline is a staggering 300 years, assuming no major complications arise within their life. Baselines reach physical and mental maturity at the age of 16. Females typically lose their fertility soon after the first 100 years of their lives.

Ecology and Habitats

The ordinary baseline would find itself comfortable in areas of mild conditions, with temperatures being roughly 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, relative humidity anywhere from 20% to 50%, and with an O2 content being anywhere from 18% to 25%. Given enough time, a Baseline can acclimate to be comfortable to most changes in their environment; however cannot survive truly extreme conditions, such as the frigidity of the arctic or the burning of desert heat, without external tools.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Baselines are fully omnivorous, and have a very wide range of foods that they can safely consume without growing ill (such as grasses and berries that would otherwise be considered poisonous). They require roughly 3,000 calories every 24 hours in order to sustain themselves. However, in times of low food, they can operate at a much lower metabolic rate and survive off of roughly 1,500 per day. This comes at a cost of their physical strength and mental state deteriorating.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The average intelligence of a baseline human is slightly greater than that of a pre-baseline human. While it is not an absolute or concrete quantification of intelligence, given the extremely abstract nature of intelligence itself, the universal average IQ for a baseline is roughly 120 to 130. The total volume of a baseline's brain is roughly 4% larger than that of a pre-baseline. The average weight for a baseline's brain is roughly 2 kg to 2.5 kg depending on the the overall size and weight of the baseline; compared to the pre-baseline's brain weighing roughly 1.5 to 2 kg.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The senses of a baseline are much more acute than that of an ordinary human; both due to the enhanced nerve endings of their sensory organs and from their brain's enhanced capabilities to process sensory information. In addition to having their 'mundane' senses bolstered, a lucky few baselines are gifted with a strange mutation that seems to grant users a sense for the metaphysical dimension that parallels our own called the Noosphere. It's unclear as to why this random mutation occurs.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Neofundamentum
Homo Sapiens
300 years (100 FTS-Standard Years)
Average Height
1.8 - 2.1 meters
Average Weight
90 - 120 kg
Average Physique
Under normal circumstances, the physique of a baseline tends toward a thin yet toned appearance. It is easier for a baseline to naturally maintain this physique due to the higher caloric needs of their body, and from their body's abilityto retain their muscle structure even when losing weight in the form of fat. The muslces of a baseline human deteriorate much more slowly than that of a pre-baseline when not in use, while also being much easier to develope, meaning the amount of excercise needed to grow and maintain muscle mass is much lower than that of a pre-baseline's.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The 'normal' skin color of a baseline is a tanned, light brown, or olive color. This offers the best protection from UV radiation and allows the body to naturally generate vitamin D at a steady rate. In cooler temperatures with much less exposure to UV radiation, and therefore sunlight, the body will gradually replace its top layer of comparatively melanin-rich skin with a layer of skin that has less melanin. In hotter environments with more exposure to UV radiation, the body will gradually replace its top layer of skin with a layer rich in melanin. Therefore, the color of an individual's skin may be drastically different at any given point of the person's life.
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