Adon, The Giver of Law and Light Character in Eoferan | World Anvil
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Adon, The Giver of Law and Light

The Southern Star Adon

Through law we have gained civilization, and through civilization we have acquired peace. All at the hands of Adon!
— Arkadios Kasoulidis, Pontif of the Aggrippas Sol


The Patron God of Unity, Order, Aasimar , Light, Law, and Justice.   Worship of the mighty sun has been around since the first beings of Kokintras began to record images on cave walls, dating this as one of the oldest known deities of the Kokintruscan pantheon. His symbol, the five sided pentagon, has become a rallying symbol representing protection, solidarity, and justice.  
Physical Depictions
Adon is presented as a handsome and charismatic male of a general species, usually either human or elf, and is depicted more often than not in the nude. He has his hair tied in the Krobernott, a side of the head knot that is popular in the north eastern parts of Kokintras.
Myth Depictions
Adon is presented as larger than life, much like the Sun itself that circles Eoferan. Usually one presents themself to Adon at one of the Temples in Krober or Lorica, however there is also a temple devoted to the god in the peaks of Dulkunbu, where in the myth The Storm King's Blood, the Storm King presented himself to the god in his attempt to create the elves.


Ancient Portfolio
Light, Life, Order, Civilization, Heroism (In War)
Modern Portfolio
Light, Life, Order, Sky, Thunderstorms, and Lightning
Light, Life, Order



Signature Item

When the Chromati were elevated to the high gods of the plane, Adon was gifted the Spear-Sword Seira. This curved blade felled many giants, dragons, and fey in the many wars to make the world what it was. In Adon's hands is is a blessing of civility, fairness, and equity, and will not strike true unless the target is the doer of injustices or unlawful.

Tarot Card

The God of the Sun is one of the 30 Incendium cards of the Kokintruscan Tarot. He is usually always depicted before the run and it's rays, holding his spear Seira, and his Shield Aufheben. The God of the Sun is number 4 of the Incendium, one of the face cards of the deck. It is said to represent harmony, civility, and order in it's upright position, and in reverse it's meant to mean oppression, control, and tyranny.  

Holy Sites

Adon has twin temples in the Krobish city of Kapen, and the Lorcanii city of Tepecasco. Both of the temples are built inset into the summits of lone mountains that are seperate from any ranges, and each maintains a solar "Adonian" calendar through intricate carvings along the circular walls of the temple.


Idite, The Knower and Discoverer
There's a lot of Idite that Adon likes. They are both thoughtful and measured when approaching a goal, and are concerned with the destruction and havoc that unrestricted freedom can bring. However, Adon is concerned of Idite because of his emphasis on the individual as opposed to the collective, which is dangerous to the peace that Adon works so hard to achieve.
Ikhor, The Limitless and Inevitable
What Adon is concerned with in Idite, he abhors in Ikhor. The individual over the collective is an anathema to Adon, and outright heresy in his eyes. He views Ikhor as outrageous, callous, and actively cruel to others in his unwillingness to work towards a common goal.
Libris, The Bloodied and Free
Libris is an affront to order. Passionate, reckless, and unpredictable, with zero regard for the rule of law, Libris is a danger to the very mortals he cultivates and others. Libris should be restrained and hidden at all cost.
Tybor, The Wild and Immutable Tybor and Adon are close as brothers. Both see the need and want of community and harmony in the mortal world. However Tybor is also fairly chummy with Libris, and seems to have no issue getting wild, which is also a danger to the peace and order of Adon's work.

Divine Domains

The primary domain of Adon is Unity with the secondary domains of Life, Light, and Order.
Mechanics: What this means is most any NPC that is a Cleric, Priest, or Paladin of Adon will be of this domain, and this is a well known feature of the followers of this deity.

Holy Books & Codes

The Tome of Agrippas Sol, Paladin of the Sun

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The primary symbol of Adon is the crossed Scepter and Sickle. It's most frequently used as an image in heraldry to families devoted to the Law-bringer, but is also found as divine focuses such as pendants. Other icons include a stylized sun, two clasped hands, and a broken infinity symbol.

Tenets of Faith

The main tenet of the followers of Adon is unity and order above all else.     There is a decreased emphasis on individualism in the Agrippas Sol, the Church of the Sun, focusing more on the collective good and the good of the collective. Adon and his worshipers and his church do instruct the individual to work on behalf of the whole and Adon, however personal feelings, grievances, connections and grudges are strictly discouraged in most matters in favor of the needs of the whole community of worshipers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The ultimate goal of Adon is peace, or a homogenous community across the whole of Eoferan that is free from want, need, or conflict, living in a harmony and balance that Adon so desperately desires for the world.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Adon is the patron of the law and order, and a generalized conception of him is that he represents the societal and moral norms of the "civilized" empires of Kokintras. He usually has a maintained shrine in front of Judiciaries and Constabularies, as well as a great many city centers in Lorica and in Krober.


Taboos against Adon include things like Lying, Murder, and general chaos.
1. Description
1.1 Physical Depictions
1.2 Myth Depictions
2. Domains
2.1.1 Ancient Portfolio
2.1.2 Modern Portfolio
2.1.3 Domains
3. Personality
5. Signature Item
5.1 Tarot Card
6. Holy Sites   Symbols

Adon Flat by Jacob Herrmann


Adon Symbol

Divine Classification
Major Deity
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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