Vokda Character in Emynea | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Void)

by Lee Stepp

Vokda is an aspect of Zalikar and is the embodiment of void, of nothingness. He is considered a physical aspect. This is actual, physical emptiness and lack of physical matter or energy. Accians have a poor understanding of void and sometimes call it "dark energy". This void, in various concentrations and forms, is extremely potent and versatile as both a weapon or for defense (see qualities of void under special abilities). It is also the only means Zalikar has of physically affecting the world.

Vokda's Manifestations are quite rare after Zalikar took his revenge on those he gifted. Most who possess this as a racial magic are centered in and near the Tenebrous Chain. Those who possess void magic tend to develop certain personality quirks or tendencies of Vokda himself, a side effect of their connection to him. Void magic is extremely potent and destructive, utilizing the emptiness between all matter, while also remaining invisible to those without these blessings.

Racial Manifestations

During the Era of Legends, the Erlithmanil gifted many lifeforms with their magic. Millions of years later, every lifeform on Emynea possesses two of these blessings. As these abilities are passed down from parent to child genetically, they came to call these gifts Racial Magic. These are named by the aspect a caster is connected to and by how they can use it, how they manifest their connection.

This is the simplified explanation of these abilities. See Physical Manifestations for more details, limitations and functions. Azowyr and Zalikar can wield all of these abilities and some others.


Able to manipulate and reshape void present in their environment, even gathering together the microscopic amounts of it present in their environment in a pinch.

Able to generate or summon void in various concentrations. This can be in the form of a pocket of void, leaving a space without gases akin to the void of space, it can be used to generate void shields to protect themselves or others or to create void weapons. Shields and weapons eat up energy more quickly.

Able to walk, step or move on void freely when it is present. Very useful for space travel.

When activated, anything that touches them will convert that part of their body into void, most matter passing right through and even potentially freezing materials. This is automatic and their body will return to flesh once the object is removed.

Able to see void and able to see using void.

Able to feel their environment using void, anything interacting with it and sense void in their environment despite barriers.
Can produce void shields from their skin and expand this around themselves, functioning as an invisible and impenetrable shield or armor.

Able to expand the void within material via touch, separating matter on a molecular level and violently disintigrating what they touch

Able to consume or absorb void as sustenance, to heal or to replenish magic energy.

Can generate blades consisting of void from their body or as bladed weapons which cut into and separate the space between molecules.

Able to create small portals into Vokda's Plane big enough to reach their hand/arm inside and can place or remove small items from the plane.

Able to inhale, exhale or breath despite void without suffocation or ill effect in places like the void of space or magical void pockets. This caster isn't harmed by void either. They can also exhale a small cloud of concentrated void, this area within devoid of gases like oxygen and extremely cold.
Can generate a pulse of void, with their body as the epicenter, in various concentrations and intensities.

Immune to damage or ill effects from both void magic and naturally occurring void.

Able to enter a meditative state in which they can peek into and explore Vokda's Plane as well as look through windows or portals of the plane.

Can enter and exit Vokda's Plane via portals and travel the plane freely, without injury or impediment. Can bring others with them while maintaining contact.

Can convert parts of their body into void or has void incorporated into their form.

Can convert entire body into void and merge with or travel along other void.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

by Lee Stepp

Vokda consists entirely out of void, out of nothingness itself. This is a mixture of actual raw void and concentrated void, wearing concentrated void like armor and bone. Of course, to the naked eye all of this is totally invisible and he is only noticeable by the vacuum he creates. This sucks heat from his environment, draws items to him and items caught in his vacuum behave similarly to how they would in space.

He is able to take on a fleshy body but prefers his natural form. When visible, he appears to be made of a pitch black energy. He appears similar to Zalikar but occasionally will bulken up to appear more intimidating. He is the most draconic of Zalikar's aspects, almost always manifesting draconic wings, horns and eyes. He will often conceal his face and head with a helmet, quite fond of space travel and sci-fi. He enjoys modern technology in general, preserving quite a bit of "ancient artifacts" in his hoard.

Special abilities

Vokda is the physical and mental expression of void and nothingness. All void is a part of him, an extension of him and his power. He can freely manipulate and utilize void as if commanding his own limbs. However, without a physical body he is unable to enter and fully affect the physical world. While he has total control over his plane, there is only so much he can affect in the physical world and he cannot leave his plane. He can reach through strong portals, though these are uncommon, and affect instances of void to some extent. Despite this, he can still view the world through windows and portals and all void magic still pulls from him as their source. Unfortunately, there aren't many large concentrations of void on Emynea outside of magic and he spends much of his time enjoying his collection or viewing space.

Qualities of Void

In Emynea, void is the space between molecules. On a larger scale it is also the void of space. This "dark energy" as some Accians will call it is very cold and has a sort of suction—matter or heat attempts to fill the empty space. A large void in a given area behaves like the void of space. These void pockets can vary in intensity from a full pocket, lacking any air, or just a space with decreased amount of such matter. These partial voids have decreased oxygen, heat and have some vacuum qualities.

Control over this aspect can also be utilized more creatively to expand or concentrate void together. One can separate molecules by expanding the microscopic space within the material or void can be concentrated into one space which will then repel, prevent or block the presence of any kind of physical matter passing through.
by Lee Stepp

by Lee Stepp
Physical matter cannot penetrate or occupy this concentrated void while expanding the void within matter can separate any kind of material at the molecular level. The latter can be extremely dangerous as an aggressive magic while the former can function defensively. However, forces such as light, fire, electricity, magnetism, etc., which Accians categorize as "energy magic", are able to pass through mostly unimpeded depending on the thickness of the barrier or intensity of the vacuum.

One final quality of void is its invisibility to those not connected to Vokda. The void reflects no light and can only be seen by those able to utilize it. To those able to perceive it, void appears as a pitch black energy or particle. The more concentrated and prevalent the void, the darker and more solid it appears.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Aspects are pieces of the whole mind of their element and so Azowyr embodies a piece of Zalikar's mind. These are all qualities which Zalikar himself possesses and many casters of void magic tend to have one or two of these qualities thanks to their connection to him. Vokda tends to be slow to develop trust and can be difficult to approach. He is very detached and keeps others at arms length if not far more severely, putting up barriers to protect and insulate himself. He will quickly grow harsh or cold as well, terrifying in his severity. Despite his severity, Vokda is quite magnetic and people are naturally drawn to him.

Vokda is immensely protective of and doting on those who manage to get close to him. He becomes impossibility generous to those he likes, spoiling friends and lovers with riches and luxury from his hoard. Unfortunately, Vokda can also can be quite possessive and attention seeking with these people. Because of how special he believes these people are, he cares for and treasures them deeply. For this reason, he experiences betrayal and loss far more profoundly than ordinary people do and is quick to assume betrayal due to past experiences. However, outside of those he cares for he is totally thick-skinned and uncaring.
by Lee Stepp

by Lee Stepp

Vokda has a skill for identifying and recognizing people who are similar to him and quickly sees past facades. He can be quite disarming and is apt in tearing down ones defenses, cutting right past all pleasantries to get directly to the heart of things. His words cut deep with no regard for the damage wrought. In this way he can be harsh, apathetic or hurtful with little hesitation. Unlike Irkath, he is extraordinarily straightforward and to the point. He can wreak damage with his words and actions in ways that cannot be defended against or repaired. He is also a social vagrant, stepping into and out of people's lives or social circles without connecting or establishing empathy. Only a few can count themselves among his inner circle.

Despite placing a protective distance between himself and all others, he has a social, physical and emotional hunger which cannot be satiated. He always wants more whether this is love, friendship, power, admiration or even more physical things such as treasure, food, warmth, possessions, sex, money or the like. He is endlessly hungry for more and tends to turn to hoarding to fill this vacancy. He is never satisfied.

Wealth & Financial state

Hidden deep within his plane, Vokda has an immense hoard of wealth, treasure, artifacts and trinkets. He is naturally prone to collecting things he likes and has fed this habit for nearly four million years. He possesses items from many eras, ancient and modern. These are all carefully arranged and preserved, thanks to the natural vacuum of his plane. He is extremely proud and possessive of his collection, very similarly to a dragon. He only shares it with those few who manage to endear themselves to him.

Contacts and Relations

Vokda has very few connections left on Emynea, his magic quite rare. Because of this, he is able to keep track of those few far more than most aspects. Where most of his kind have innumerable casters, tracking them all near impossible, he enjoys shadowing these individuals in his plane and observing how they make use of his power. He knows each and every caster and observes almost every use of his power. He feels particularly possessive and proud of his "children", believing fate ties them all together.
by Lee Stepp

Cover image: by Lee Stepp
Character Portrait image: by Lee Stepp


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