Freecities Settlements and Locations in Legends of Elohey

World Codex


  • Whippetal Ranch at Night
    Jesse Devonshire in tawny owl form did a fly-over at night of Whippetal Ranch, the ranch south of Oatman Canyon. The SNAFU Posse makes their plans based on what Jesse reports back:  
    Jesse Devonshire:
    • By default, no Layers are visible when the map first loads. You can turn on and off some or all Layers of symbols via the hamburger icon in the upper right corner.
    • You did a flyover of the big ranch south of the Oatman Canyon perimeter. It was about an hour after midnight on Grolm 9th. I have combined information for low-light vision and thermal vision.
    • The "barns and barracks" layer will give you information about the potentially hellbeast-related buildings over which you flew.
    • The "other buildings" layer will give you a small amount of information about buildings too small or too inappropriately shaped for Hell Bovine purposes.
    • The "geographical features" and "water" layers help you orient yourself as you fly around.
    • You spotted some "clues" as well!

Cover image: by CB Ash