Sacred Church of Hikari Organization in Elema | World Anvil

Sacred Church of Hikari

The Sacred Church of Hikari, dedicated to the God of Light, welcomes all seekers of illumination and truth into its fold. At its core, the church teaches its followers to navigate the complexities of life by walking the path of light and embracing the virtues it represents. Central to their beliefs is the idea that by embodying qualities such as kindness, compassion, honesty, and integrity, individuals not only illuminate their own path but also become beacons of light for others. In the pursuit of truth, members are encouraged to question, explore, and seek knowledge in all aspects of existence. This journey of enlightenment prepares them for the eventual reunion with Hikari in the divine realm, emphasizing the importance of inner purity, spiritual awareness, and living in alignment with the principles of light.   Community plays a vital role within the church, providing a supportive environment where members can grow, learn, and connect with one another. Through collective worship, fellowship, and study, individuals strengthen their bond with Hikari and find solace in the shared pursuit of spiritual growth.   Service to others is a cornerstone of the church's teachings, as followers are encouraged to share the light of Hikari with the world. Acts of charity, compassion, and kindness are seen as ways to uplift those in need and spread light to all corners of society, embodying the divine virtues of their God.   Rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor Hikari and mark significant milestones in the spiritual journey of its followers. These rituals may include prayers, meditations, purification ceremonies, and celebrations of light, serving as reminders of the divine presence that guides their path.   Overall, the Sacred Church of Hikari offers a guiding framework for individuals to find their way in the world, seek truth and enlightenment, and ultimately return to the divine light of their God. Through their teachings and practices, followers strive to embody the principles of light and illuminate the world around them with compassion, kindness, and wisdom.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Sacred Church of Hikari revolves around three primary pillars: assisting individuals in returning to and understanding Hikari, serving as seekers of truth and knowledge, and fulfilling roles as world defenders and afterlife guides. Firstly, the church is dedicated to guiding individuals on their spiritual journey back to Hikari, the God of Light. Through teachings, rituals, and communal support, members are empowered to deepen their connection with Hikari and gain a deeper understanding of their divine purpose.   Secondly, the church positions itself as a beacon for truth and knowledge in the world. Followers are encouraged to seek enlightenment through exploration, questioning, and learning. By embracing the pursuit of truth in all aspects of existence, members embody the essence of Hikari and contribute to the collective enlightenment of humanity.   Lastly, members of the Sacred Church of Hikari take on the roles of world defenders and afterlife guides. They are committed to upholding principles of justice, compassion, and righteousness in the world, serving as protectors of the innocent and advocates for peace and harmony. Additionally, they provide guidance and support to individuals as they navigate the afterlife, helping them transition to the divine realm with grace and understanding.   Through these interconnected endeavors, the church endeavors to illuminate the path to Hikari, empower individuals in their quest for truth, and foster a world guided by light, compassion, and wisdom.

Tenets of Faith

The Sacred Church of Hikari abides by several key tenets of faith, each aimed at guiding followers on their spiritual journey and fostering enlightenment:   Find the truth of self: Followers are encouraged to embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing all aspects of themselves without fear or hesitation. By understanding and accepting themselves fully, they can attain enlightenment and draw closer to Hikari, the God of Light. It is through this understanding that one can truly see the light within themselves.

Find the truth of the world: Hikari urges his followers to seek out the truths of the world around them. From the intricacies of nature to the mysteries of the divine, the world offers boundless opportunities for exploration and revelation. By uncovering the truths of the world, individuals draw closer to Hikari and gain deeper insights into the workings of the divine.

Help others find the truth: Just as light illuminates darkness, followers of Hikari are called to be beacons of guidance and support for others. By extending a helping hand to those in need and sharing their knowledge and wisdom, followers become agents of enlightenment in the world. Through acts of compassion and kindness, they spread the light of Hikari to all who seek it.

Follow and uphold the laws: Hikari emphasizes the importance of abiding by the laws and conventions of society. While these laws may vary depending on culture and region, they serve as guidelines for fostering harmony and order. Followers are encouraged to adhere to these laws and seek ways to improve them or address any injustices. By upholding these laws, individuals honor the truth of their communities and demonstrate their commitment to righteousness and justice.


On Radiantday, which marks the beginning of the week, adherents of the Sacred Church of Hikari gather in the church building at noon. The atmosphere within the white temple is serene, adorned with stunning paintings and accents of vibrant yellow that symbolize the radiance of Hikari. As attendees take their seats on the benches, the ambiance is imbued with a sense of reverence and anticipation.

Over the course of two hours, the priests lead the congregation in prayers and deliver speeches that exalt and honor Hikari. Through their words and rituals, they seek to bless and edify the divine presence of Hikari, invoking His light and wisdom to illuminate the hearts and minds of all those in attendance. The worship service serves as a sacred time for reflection, spiritual communion, and the reaffirmation of faith in Hikari, the God of Light.


Within the Sacred Church of Hikari, the priesthood plays a crucial role in guiding and enlightening the faithful. Comprising priests and priestesses, these spiritual leaders are tasked with teaching the tenets of the faith to the common folk, helping them discover the truth and find enlightenment in the light of Hikari.
Additionally, the church recognizes the significance of holy warriors, known for their unwavering devotion to righteousness and justice. These champions of Hikari's light serve as defenders of the faithful against darkness and evil forces, embodying the virtues of courage, piety, and commitment.
Under the leadership system of the priesthood, priests, priestesses, and holy warriors undergo a process of learning and growth, each striving to fulfill their respective roles to the best of their abilities. They are tested by those holding higher titles within the church, ensuring that they are prepared and worthy to carry out their sacred duties in service to Hikari and the faithful. Through their collective efforts, the priesthood and holy warriors work together to spread the light of truth and righteousness, guiding others on the path to enlightenment and drawing them closer to the divine presence of Hikari.

Granted Divine Powers

In the Sacred Church of Hikari, aspiring paladins and members of the clergy undergo sacred trials to demonstrate their devotion and readiness to receive divine powers from Hikari.
The Trial of the Wick: The Trial of the Wick is a solemn ceremony conducted in the church's tallest tower. Acolytes are accompanied by priests and paladin trainers to the chamber at the top entrance. There, under the blessings and prayers of Hikari, acolytes light a candle before proceeding into the room of darkness. In this chamber, illuminated only by the flickering candlelight, acolytes pray fervently to Hikari, seeking to reveal their true selves and their readiness to serve as paladins.

During the trial, acolytes encounter manifestations of darkness and light, symbolizing the internal struggles they must overcome. They are physically and mentally tested, pushed to their limits by the shadows of doubt and the questions of light. Only those who endure and remain steadfast in their faith are deemed worthy. As Hikari's truth and light infuse them, they emerge as paladins, empowered by the divine presence of Hikari.

The Test of Reflection: The Test of Reflection is reserved for those aspiring to become priests, priestesses, or clerics of Hikari. Participants are led to a room with mirrors on either side and a crystal of light suspended above them. Through prayer and chanting, the light intensifies until the mirrors no longer reflect their image but shine brightly with divine radiance. Those who maintain their sight amidst the overwhelming brilliance demonstrate their spiritual fortitude and are deemed suitable for the clergy.

Upon completion of the trials, aspirants experience a transformative revelation as they gaze into the light. They see reflections of their potential selves, guided by Hikari's vision of their future. With newfound clarity and purpose, they embark on their journey within the clergy, committed to serving Hikari and spreading the light of truth and righteousness to all.

We are the seekers of the light and of Truth

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Hikari Seeker,
Subsidiary Organizations

Cover image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)
Character flag image: by Marc Zipper (Valcin)


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