The Morcannaid Massif Geographic Location in Echora | World Anvil
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The Morcannaid Massif


The Morcannaid Massif is a towering and largely glaciated mountain range. It forms an interception to a larger mountain system known only as the Great Belt which still remains widely unexplored and runs from west to east whereas the Morcannaid Massif runs from southwest to northeast. Where both mountain ranges meet is the point where the largest known mountain glacier in the world is situated, which also has the most tribute glaciers and - as a consequence - rivers originating from it. Precisely, the Morcannaid Massif arches from the southwest of Valorden to its northeastern coast. It functions as a natural border for the nation. The western section of the Morcannaid Massif is home to the highest peaks on the continent, which are mostly covered in eternal snows up to the top and far down into the valleys.  


The sheer size and altitude of the Morcannaid Massif have great impact on the climate of western Valorden and southern Alesia. The height of the mountain range is enough to divide the weather conditions into different zones on either side of it, creating a rainy and foggy climate on the northern side and dry conditions in the south where Valorden lies. The mountain range itself is prone to extraordinary weather conditions and is one of the most extreme places on the continent. There have been reports of neverending winds and constant snowfalls.  


The Crown of Amyrran

In its centre lies a vaguely hexagon-shaped plateau of snow and ice dubbed The Crown of Amyrran for the array of peaks which seem arranged like the prongs of a crown when looked upon from the valleys below. As the moon poses a hauntingly beautiful sight every night over the peaks various legends about the Lunar Lord Amyrran have surrounded the Morcannaid Massif since the first tribes of Valorden claimed to have crossed the mountains and found the lands beyond by simply following the moon's path. In fact, while most ancient civilizations in the western plains had worshipped the sun and its cycle the Rhodani tribes which settled around the massif are known to have formed a cult around the moon phases. Nowadays, the common name for the central plateau is uniformly the Crown of Amyrran, however, in the few records of Rhodani traditions, the plateau appears as - loosely translated - the Cradle of the Moon, Deathbed of the Sun. The crown of Amyrran forms a junction between at least four main glaciers that descend from the peaks around it from all directions.  

The Wall of Garait

On the northwestern side towards Alesia, there is a large section where the Morcannaid Massif falls away in an almost vertical wall of stone and ice, making for a striking and threatening view from Alesia's southern provinces who have named it The Wall of Garait.  


Whereas the Great Belt has been passed on several occasions in the past for either reasons of war or diplomacy, and in certain sections can even be passed on a regular basis for commerce, the Morcannaid Massif lacks the necessary depressions between mountains to allow for regular crossing. As such it forms a natural and almost impassable border between the Nation of Valorden and the Alesian empire. Only one valley springing from a depression between peaks can be travelled. Yet apart from the rumour of few surviving Rhodani tribes it is not inhabited by humans. The high altitudes and low temperatures make for difficult living conditions. The importance of the Morcannaid Massif for the people of Valorden and other settlements on its western side lies in the rivers that spring in its valleys and run from its glaciers.
Mountain Range
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Aug 27, 2022 16:05 by Desdemona Rose

Yay, I was glad to see that someone submitted a mountain range. I started writing one myself, but never finished it, or submitted it. I really liked your the The Crown of Amyrran section. Great visual, it was easy to imagine it, especially with the moonlight description. The description of the mountains in general was good as well. The only suggestion I would add would be to link to other articles, if they are ready, especially about the cult, but also the cites you mentioned.   One thing you also did well, was not repeating information. I've seen it in a few other articles, and I've done it myself. Repeating something because your answering another prompt in the article. But, your articles is straight forward.

Aug 27, 2022 19:14

Thank you for your comment! At first I doubted if mountains count as “expanse” but I live in the alps and thought “yes, they are expansive!”   It is the first ever article I consider to be 'done'-done, so in the end I did not link more articles because they are very much still a WIP. I’m only slowly learning that sometimes can just publish an article even if there might be changes in the future instead of working on it for all eternity. Or that I should just set a goal for my article and when I achieve that just let it go, and they will be ok outside the confines of my WIP-folder. ^_^