Olladra Character in Eberron | World Anvil


he god of good fortune and plenty, Olladra is the most popular of the Host when things are going well, and one of the most reviled when they are not. She is the patron of gamblers, entertainers, and rogues, or anyone seeking good fortune. She is kind but fickle, and even her most faithful cannot honestly say what inspires her to grant her blessings to one person and not another.   She is often depicted as a young halfling, sometimes as an elderly human, and occasionally as a black dragon. She is the wife of Onatar and the mother of Kol Korran and the Keeper.

Divine Domains

Good (Agathion, Friendship), Healing (Restoration), Luck (Fate), Travel (Exploration)   Favored Weapon: Sickle

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A domino, or the Octogram in white and dark gray, representing both good fortune and bad. (The pattern on Olladra’s Octogram is reversed from the pattern on Aureon’s to avoid confusion, as the colors are very similar.)
Holy Symbol of Olladra

Tenets of Faith

  • Eat, drink, and be merry, for life is good and luck comes to those who need it.
  • Olladra favors the bold. Fashion your own destiny to enjoy her favor.
  • Fight against oppression. Any who would deny you your freedoms should feel Olladra's anger.




Towards Onatar



Towards Olladra

Divine Classification
The Sovereign of Feast and Fortune
Onatar (spouse)


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