Baron Normath ir'Cermak Character in Eberron | World Anvil

Baron Normath ir'Cermak

Baron Normath ir'Cermak

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Age has done quite a bit of damage to his once powerful physique. Still, he's much more skilled in his Golden Years than many Human warriors could ever imagine.

Body Features

Ruddy tan skin, numerous scars upon his arms chest and midsection.

Facial Features

Keeps his beard well groomed, though never uses much jewelry in it.

Identifying Characteristics

Two pea-sized warts upon his left cheek

Apparel & Accessories

Favors military style jackets, trousers and boots. Occasionally wears his old uniform and/or armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up at the bottom of the clan structure, in Narathunholde. His family were farmers of a sort, tending to root vegetables and fungi that grew in the caverns away from sunlight. Never held any position of power or privilege in his homeland, though he served many years in the militia of the Holde. Being a poorly paid peasant levy left him fighting the aberrations of Khyber endlessly for nearly 75 years.   An outbreak of aberrations in the Karrnathi countryside brought him his big break. He lead a substantial group of other disaffected Dwarven peasants out of the Holde and overland to answer the call to adventure. Another several decades of fighting left Normgath tired and aging. Fortunately for him, this also marked the beginning of the Last War. He didn't much care about politics at the time, but it was the only sort of life he knew. Over the first third of the War, he served the Karrnathi crown loyally. His loyalty brought him notoriety as he was ennobled and granted the title of Baron. Being in such a position, he was no longer required to serve in the military directly. He chose to leave the war front as far behind myself as he could.   It was at this point he was given a manor house in the town of Teryk. He turned his keen military mind to reorganizing the tradesmen of the town's Outer Ward. The policies he put in place for the then new "Guild of Leathermen, Blacksmiths and Butchers" were slow to catch on, but over time the tradesmen who agreed saw profits which influenced the others to join. He still isn't much for politics, but has taken to the part as well as he is able.

Personality Characteristics


To make it so that those who are born into less fortunate circumstances have opportunities he wasn't given.


Family Ties

His Father, who is reaching his twilight years (287 years). His Mother passed away several decades ago. 2 older brothers, 1 older sister, 1 younger sister and 1 younger brother.   Never married, no children

Religious Views

Is a devout believer in the Sovereign Host as a pantheon. He is not bothered by those who favor one deity so long as they don't try to make that one greater than the others. Has been known to give those who blaspheme the Sovereigns a sound thrashing, though he's never beaten anyone so bad they couldn't walk away.

Wealth & Financial state

Through his business dealings and operation of the Guild of Leathermen, Blacksmiths and Butchers, he has become substantially wealthy. This shows in the way he maintains his manor house, and the pay that goes to his servants.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Boyar of Outer Ward (Teryk), Baron of Karrnath
Year of Birth
782 YK 216 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Narathunholde, Mror Holds
Current Residence
Cermak Manor, Teryk, Karrnath
pale green
dark red streaked white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
ruddy tan
Aligned Organization


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