Mission Report: Hyhill's Noise Complaint Prose in East Marches | World Anvil

Mission Report: Hyhill's Noise Complaint

Upon the request for aid by Hyhill’s residents myself, Gretchen, Olorin, Xyra, and Dena took it upon ourselves to look into the matter. At 1200 hours we made the trek to Hyhill's square, where we corresponded with a fellow who’s name was not given, and he reported that there were loud noises at night coming from east of the town. At 1230 hours we followed fauna tracks that seemingly ended mysteriously in a clearing. Further investigation revealed a trap of sorts leading down into a pit littered with various corpses, both humanoid and animal alike. We followed a path into a cave where we encountered strange beings made of both flesh and metal, covered in a glistening oil that seemed to be, in itself, sentient. The beings mimicked voices and phrases spoken by myself and companions, and after a discussion regarding the morality of our actions of slaying the once living beings, we chose to press on. The source of the noise came to be from a large metal construct tied to Tezzeret in some way. The other constructs spoke about him. Upon the victory of the battle, we came to the conclusion the large metal construct needs flesh in order to create the others. I graciously downed a whole bottle of rum in order to create a containment capsule for the glistening oil, which is now in Gretchen and Olorin’s possession for further research. On that note, the mission was successful, along with more information on Tezzeret’s doings and malpractices.   Cap’n Mae’viz Dreinor
Adventurer of Varelholm and Owner of The Hideaway