Sentry Droid Species in Earthship Ark | World Anvil
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Sentry Droid

Security mechanoid

A sentry droid is a mechanoid security guard. Sentry droids patrol various areas in the Central Hull. They are armed with a stun pistol and a stun baton. They are equipped with surveillance cameras.   Sentry droids are not aggressive but will use force to prevent characters to comply with their programmed parameters (e.g. stay out of an area or do not leave an area). They will respond with force if attacked.   They can communicate by radio and coordinate with other nearby droids. They can also notify security personnel of anyone behaving suspiciously.   The sentry droids recognize security personnel by their IDs, using a more secure algorithm than the usual passkeys for access control.   The Sentry Droids that the PCs have seen were manufactured recently (within the last decade).
Scientific Name
Medium semi-sentient mechanoid
Geographic Distribution

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