Armin Scheffel Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Armin Scheffel

The Gravity Wizard Armin Scheffel (a.k.a. Isaac)

The Gravity Wizard, one of Ealathras most innovative spellcasters and two time winner of Oxonfords strong man competition.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Armin is at the peak of psychical health working out daily,

Body Features

Often considered way too shredded for a wizard. Armin keeps his body under increased gravity at all times this has granted him a very musculature body that has impressed even the strongest of fighters.

Facial Features

Armin had a necrotic scar covering half of his face though he got it treated in his later years the damage flares up when undead presence is about.

Identifying Characteristics

The 5'9" slab of muscle carries around a lot of spell books.

Physical quirks

Isacc has the enhanced gravity passively active, and must focus on turning it off otherwise bystanders get crushed by the weight.

Special abilities

Passive gravity aura

Apparel & Accessories

While with the Clergy hed dressed in white with a black plague doctor's mask, Now he wears more casual attire but does break out the mask if its abilities are required.

Specialized Equipment

Mask that allows him to teleport multiple times per day

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born within Zalcaster’s prison for his family's practice of “Necromancy” even though it was more a political move. He desired nothing more than to become the best spell caster to prove that he was worth living after coming across some texts referencing Malon Bagsher. Eventually, Gabrial broke him out of his prison and they became friends and headed to Zriegas together.   When Father Gabriel took over Zriegast Isaac was given the resources to start his own mage academy within the city. Using it to teach kids Duamancy while also supplying a spellcaster army to Gabriel. He also helped in the creation of the Super Soldiers all be it disgruntled.   Isaac began to form a friendship with Rox of the Wererat investigation Bureau and even offered them aid in their quests such as providing a ship to sail to Nor'okens Soul. he also took Rox's Mate and children into the city of Zriegast setting up new lives for them all under the clergy's noses.       Eventually, Rox and he met again inside Malon's Tower and after barely managing to survive it Isaac trusted Rox enough to reveal his true name Armin to him.   When the WIB sieged the Central ring of Zriegast Armin decided to align himself with the Bureau as he could see his friend Gabriel had gone too far.      When the City of Zriegast was destroyed Armin stayed behind to rescue survivors eventually he would join back up with the United army and help the WIB push back into the city to defeat Malon Bagsher.    After the War Armin Stayed with rox to help him Regulate the Xinx Crystal as well as guest lecture at the Feakriths mages academy.    Until Khilseith summoned him and Rox 25 years later to talk about a Extraplanar threat.


Armin is straight but very European.


Self-taught with all of Zalcaster's buried forgotten knowledge


Xinx Crystal Investigation Bureau

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rediscovered Dunamancy and Gravity magic and reintroduced them into the realm.

Mental Trauma

Being born in an undead dungeon.  having to turn on his first-ever friend  realising the part he played in Zriegasts destruction.

Morality & Philosophy

Armin is genuinely a good person and will always try to take the lesser of two evils


You never turn on your friends

Personality Characteristics


Armin was driven to become the next Malon bagsher and use his magic to better the realm, but after Meeting with Malon, he became content with his knowledge and just focused on helping the realm however he could.

Likes & Dislikes

Love to work out likes reading and studying  Dislikes anyone that would betray their friends

Vices & Personality flaws

His aims to help people often is blinding him to the bigger picture


Armin Scheffel


Towards Roxanaxillius Groltuuxxax "Rox"


Roxanaxillius Groltuuxxax "Rox"


Towards Armin Scheffel


Lawful neutral
Current Status
Helping Rox with Zriegast
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Dark Blue
Greying Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ah guten tag my friends" "I trust you rox" "Let the void take you!"
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Primordial  Draconic Elvish
Ruled Locations
Armin While he was under the Alias Isaac


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