Zriegrasion Ethnicity in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Once sheltered within impenetrable Zriegast, the Zriegrasions now navigate a shattered world, ghosts of the city they lost. Germanic roots cling tenaciously, but tragedy has twisted their culture, weaving shadows of paranoia and pragmatism into their once proud tapestry.   Haunting Echoes:
  • Religious Shadows: Once-revered faith now simmers with suspicion. Prayers and symbols are met with averted eyes, whispers of the false prophet echoing through their ranks.
  • Fear of Fortification: Trust in walls has crumbled. Nomadic instincts flare, seeking sanctuary in the open rather than risk another gilded cage.
  • Lost Innocence: Betrayal and deceit shattered their naivete. A cynical edge tinges their interactions, guarded smiles masking wariness.
  Shifting Foundations:
  • Gods Grounded: Though whispers of deities linger, practicality reigns. Skills and cunning trump prayers, knowledge and resourcefulness hold greater worth than heavenly pronouncements.
  • Cunning Resilience: Mobile and adaptable, they camouflage and strategize. Resilience arises not from stoicism, but from learned agility, ever ready to rise again.
  • Secretive Whispers: Paranoia shrouds them. Hidden lore, cryptic symbols, and guarded knowledge shield them from potential betrayals.
  Hope Flickers in the Ashes:
  • Scattered Solidarity: Small communities form, bound by shared hardship and a yearning for something better. Skills are shared, stories whispered, embers of tradition rekindled.
  • Living Histories: Lost scrolls find voice in spoken word. Tales of Zriegast's glory and fall ignite cautionary whispers and hope, reminders of who they were and who they can become.
  • Resilient Craftsmanship: Though scattered, Zriegast's spirit lives on in its artisans. Tools passed down, knowledge exchanged in hushed tones, their creations testaments to beauty reclaimed from the ruins.
  • Zriegrasion culture is a mosaic of grief and defiance, a people forever marked by their city's fall. They carry the weight of their past, but within the shadows flicker resilience, resourcefulness, and the quiet hope for a future where their walls are forged not from stone, but from shared trust and a commitment to rise again.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Zriegrasion Family Names: Echoes of Steel and Whispers of Hope   Echoes of Lost Glory: Steinwächter: "Stone Guardians," a family once entrusted with Zriegast's formidable defenses. Goldbanner: A reminder of the city's opulent past, now tinged with bitterness. Wolkenbrunner: "Cloudwell," evoking the legendary springs within Zriegast's inner ring. Adlerspeer: "Eagle's Lance," a name steeped in martial pride and the fallen Zriegast guard. Sternenlicht: "Starlight," a melancholic echo of the city's nighttime radiance.   Whispers of Resilience: Aschenfeuer: "Ashen Fire," symbolizing the embers of hope rekindled after devastation. Wanderwind: "Wandering Wind," reflecting their nomadic lifestyle and adaptable spirit. Krähenflüsterer: "Crow Whisperers," a family rumored to possess a mysterious connection with ravens. Nachtblüte: "Nightbloom," celebrating the beauty found even in darkness and hardship. Eisenschmiede: "Iron Forgers," representing the enduring spirit of Zriegast's craftspeople.


Culture and cultural heritage

Before the Fall of Zriegast:
  • Germanic Roots: They valued strength, loyalty, and community.
  • Impregnable City: Their lives revolved around guarding Zriegast's massive walls, making them skilled warriors and builders.
  • Opulence and Tradition: They enjoyed grand feasts, elaborate jewelry, and strict social structures.
  • Religion: Faith played a central role, with elaborate rituals and grand temples.
  After the Fall:
  • Nomadic Life: They now wander scattered communities, distrusting walls and valuing adaptability.
  • Resilience Over Riches: They prioritize survival skills, resourcefulness, and practicality.
  • Shared Hardship: Community bonds are forged through shared struggles and storytelling.
  • Diminished Religion: Faith is viewed with suspicion, with a focus on practical knowledge and personal strength.
  Cultural Heritage:
  • Whispered Tales: They pass down stories of Zriegast's glory and fall, reminding them of their past and resilience.
  • Craftsmanship: Their artisans create practical tools, weapons, and adornments, carrying on Zriegast's legacy of skill.
  • Survival Skills: Hunting, foraging, navigating, and storytelling are prized, ensuring their survival in the open world.
  • Distrust of Authority: They value individual strength and judgment, wary of leaders and organizations.
  Key Cultural Values:
  • Resilience: Overcoming adversity and adapting to change.
  • Community: Supporting each other through shared hardship.
  • Resourcefulness: Making the most of what they have and finding creative solutions.
  • Practicality: Prioritizing survival and function over extravagance.
  • Memory: Honoring their past while building a new future.

Shared customary codes and values

The Zriegrasions, forged in the ashes of Zriegast, carry the echoes of their fallen city while forging a new code of shared values in the open world. Here's a glimpse into their evolving beliefs:   Resilience over Opulence:
  • Before: Strength meant towering walls and gleaming armor. Now, resilience whispers in weathered faces and calloused hands. Resourcefulness trumps riches, survival skills outweigh gilded extravagance.
  • Lost: Grand displays of wealth, tournaments for fleeting glory.
  • Gained: Shared knowledge of edible plants, crafting from salvaged materials, navigating by the stars.
  Community over Hierarchy:
  • Before: Rigid social structures dictated interactions. Now, shared hardship binds them. Cooperation replaces competition, trust trumps ambition.
  • Lost: The weight of noble titles, the allure of exclusive circles.
  • Gained: Shared meals around crackling fires, stories whispered under starlight, a sense of belonging earned through shared struggles.
  Adaptability over Stagnation:
  • Before: Fortified walls offered a false sense of security. Now, the open road is their home. Change is embraced, adaptability celebrated.
  • Lost: The comfort of routine, the illusion of permanence.
  • Gained: The freedom to move on, the ability to rebuild life wherever fate takes them.
Memory over Forgetting:
  • Before: Zriegast's glory was a whispered boast. Now, its fall a cautionary tale, whispered with respect and a touch of bitterness. Lessons learned, stories shared, keep the city's memory alive.
  • Lost: Naiveté, blind faith in unyielding walls.
  • Gained: Wisdom gleaned from hardship, a wary skepticism tempered by hope.
  Hope over Despair:
  • Before: The future gleamed within Zriegast's golden walls. Now, it shimmers in the embers of shared resilience. Hope is a fragile flame, nurtured through stories, laughter, and acts of kindness.
  • Lost: Blind optimism, the belief in an impregnable future.
  • Gained: A quiet tenacity, a determination to rebuild a life worth living, even in the ruins of the past.

Average technological level

Daily Life:
  1. Hovercrafts and Crystal Cannons: Personal hovercrafts, powered by miniaturized Xinx engines, navigate the jagged island and surrounding skies. Public transportation utilizes larger, intricately carved airships. Powerful crystal cannons defend against both aerial and ground threats.
  2. Biomechanical Enhancements: Advanced prosthetics, powered by Xinx, offer incredible dexterity and strength. Some even integrate with the nervous system, blurring the lines between flesh and machine.
  3. Adaptive Lighting and Communication: Buildings and streets pulsate with Xinx-powered luminescent crystals, adjusting brightness and color based on mood and need. Holographic displays project information and messages throughout the city, fostering constant communication.
  Industry and Exploration:
  1. Mining Lasers and Automated Drills: Xinx-powered lasers carve through the island's debris, extracting both raw materials and hidden Xinx veins. Automated drills dig deep into the land, seeking further resources and uncovering forgotten secrets.
  2. Crystal-Fueled Airships and Submarines: Large airships, their sails shimmering with captured Xinx energy, traverse the vast plains below. For underwater exploration, Rox has crafted sleek, bioluminescent submarines, allowing Zriegrasions to delve into the mysteries of the flooded catacombs below the island.
  3. Robotic Assistants and Guardians: Giant clockwork constructs, fueled by Xinx, handle heavy labor and defend Zriegast 2.0 from potential threats. Smaller, personalized "familiars" assist individuals with daily tasks and offer companionship.
  Advanced Technology:
  1. Crystal Infused Weapons and Armor: Armor plates shimmer with woven Xinx filaments, offering unparalleled protection. Swords crackle with raw energy, capable of deflecting blows and slicing through even the toughest materials.
  2. Limited Teleportation and Mind-to-Machine Interfaces: Pioneering individuals experiment with Xinx-powered teleportation devices, though their range and precision remain limited. Advanced interfaces allow skilled users to control machines directly with their thoughts, pushing the boundaries of human-tech synergy.
  3. Sentient Constructs and Unforeseen Mutations: Rox's constant tinkering with Xinx occasionally yields unintended consequences. Whispers of self-aware machines and individuals mutated by prolonged exposure to the crystals fuel both fascination and fear.
  Challenges and Concerns:
  • Xinx Dependence and Instability: Heavy reliance on Xinx poses risks. Sudden energy depletion could cripple the city, and the crystals' volatile nature threatens unpredictable meltdowns or bursts of energy.
  • Ethical Dilemmas and Class Divisions: Access to Xinx technology may be uneven, fueling social friction and resentment. Unethical experiments to harness the crystals' full potential could raise moral questions and threaten the fragile peace.

Art & Architecture

The fall of Zriegast sent shockwaves through the Zriegrasions' artistic and architectural sensibilities, birthing a new form of expression that echoes the ruins of their past while reaching for the open sky of their uncertain future.   Lost: Opulence and Permanence:
  1. Grand stone edifices with intricate carvings have crumbled, leaving remnants as stark reminders of lost glory.
  2. Gilded paintings and tapestries lie dust-choked in the rubble, their vibrant colors fading along with memories of lavish court life.
  3. Heavy, ornate furniture gathers cobwebs in abandoned halls, silent testaments to a life of settled grandeur.
  Gained: Adaptability and Ephemerality:
  • Nomadic dwellings rise from salvaged materials, light and portable tents woven from animal skins or salvaged canvas.
  • Carvings adorn not buildings, but tools and weapons, whispering stories of survival and resilience.
  • Tattoos etched in charcoal or ochre tell tales of hardship and hope, living canvases worn on weathered skin.
  • Music soars on the wind, carried by bone flutes and hand drums, ephemeral melodies echoing across vast landscapes.
  Echoes of the Past:
  1. Whispers of Zriegast's architectural prowess live on in makeshift shelters, their sturdy frames reminiscent of fallen city walls.
  2. Skilled hands, once crafting intricate gold jewelry, now fashion practical adornments from scavenged metal and bone.
  3. Storytelling, an ancient art form, takes center stage, campfire tales weaving history, memories, and hope into vibrant tapestries of words.
  New Forms of Beauty:
  • Rugged landscapes, once viewed as obstacles, become canvases for nomadic beauty. Sunsets over windswept plains inspire awe, the resilience of hardy wildflowers elicits appreciation.
  • Practicality dances with artistry in handcrafted tools, each scar and knot speaking of skill and purpose.
  • Shared laughter around crackling fires paints a new masterpiece, a fleeting tableau of warmth and camaraderie against the backdrop of a star-strewn sky.

Foods & Cuisine

Before the Fall:

  • Opulent Feasts: Lavish buffets brimmed with roasted fowl, game meats, and fresh seafood adorned with intricate carvings and edible flowers. Baked breads rose tall, dripping with honey and butter. Spicy stews simmered in heavy pots, laced with exotic herbs and warming spices. Sweet pastries and candied fruits offered decadent finales.
  • Noble Palates: Distinctive flavors defined social standing. Rich broths and tender roasts graced noble tables, while simpler fare sustained lower classes. Delicately spiced sweets and exotic fruits were symbols of wealth and sophistication.
  • Celebratory Meals: Grand feasts erupted during festivals and holidays, meats roasting on open spits, tables groaning under the weight of shared abundance. These gatherings not only nourished bodies but also strengthened community bonds.

After the Fall:

  • Foraged Flavors: The open road becomes their pantry. Wild berries, nuts, and edible plants form the foundation of their diet. Smoked meats, preserved in animal fat or dried under the sun, offer protein. Fish from streams and lakes provide a welcome change, cooked over crackling fires.
  • Campfire Cuisine: Hearty, one-pot dishes rule the day. Stews bubbling with root vegetables and scavenged grains offer sustenance and warmth. Flatbreads baked on hot stones provide filling carbs. Simple soups, seasoned with wild herbs, fill hungry stomachs.
  • Shared Sustenance: Food becomes a symbol of community. Meals are cooked and eaten together, stories shared by flickering firelight. Leftovers are freely offered, ensuring no one goes hungry. The act of sharing becomes a celebration of their enduring spirit.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In the wake of Zriegast's cataclysmic explosion, where the city now drifts as a jagged shard against the endless sky, the Zriegrasions have developed a unique funerary custom as defiant as their survival itself. They call it the Skyfall.   The Ascent: The deceased are not buried or burned, but prepared with simple adornments, reflecting their personality and achievements. Families gather at the island's highest precipice, bathed in the pre-dawn light. Specially crafted gliders, woven from scavenged wood and canvas, await, each marked with symbols of the deceased's life.   The Farewell: With tearful eulogies and heartfelt songs, the loved ones are gently placed in the gliders. A skilled elder, known as the "Wind Whisperer," reads the currents of the air, choosing the optimal moment for each release. With a final push, the gliders launch, soaring off the island's edge like feathered arrows.   The Skyfall: The rising sun bathes the gliders in golden light as they descend, a procession of souls returning to the heavens. Below, the Zriegrasions watch, some with somber grief, others with stoic acceptance, all united in the face of loss. As the gliders touch the sky's horizon, they are believed to merge with the wispy clouds, becoming part of the ever-shifting tapestry of the heavens, forever watching over their loved ones from above.   Uniqueness of the Skyfall: This custom defies the physical limitations imposed by their floating island. They embrace the open sky, sending their loved ones towards the infinite rather than confining them to the limited land. The gliders become personalized vessels, carrying not just bodies but memories and stories to the heavens. The act of release becomes a communal act of acceptance and hope, acknowledging the loss while believing in a connection beyond the limits of their shattered world.   Possible Variations:
  • Skilled craftsmen might personalize the gliders with intricate carvings or painted stories, further depicting the deceased's life and journey.
  • Depending on the individual's beliefs, special objects or tokens might be included in the gliders, offerings to the heavens or symbols of connection to the earthly realm.
  • The "Wind Whisperer" could hold a ceremonial role, blessing the gliders and guiding them with ancient incantations or rhythmic chants.
  • This Skyfall custom allows the Zriegrasions to find beauty and meaning in loss, even amidst the wreckage of their city. It becomes a testament to their resilience, their connection to the vastness above, and their unwavering belief in the enduring power of memory and love, reaching beyond the confines of their broken world.

Common Taboos

Echoes of the Past:
  • Opulence and Excess: Flaunting wealth or resources is frowned upon, seen as disrespectful to those struggling and a reminder of the city's hubris that led to its destruction.
  • Formal Hierarchy: Adhering to rigid social structures or titles reminiscent of Zriegast's nobility is considered dismissive of community and undermines the shared hardships they've endured.
  • Blind Faith: Blindly worshipping deities or religious leaders who failed to protect Zriegast is viewed with suspicion, replaced by a focus on practical skills and personal strength.
  Focus on Survival and Community:
  • Abandoning the Community: Leaving your group to wander alone exposes both yourself and the others to unnecessary danger, weakening the communal bond essential for survival.
  • Hoarding Resources: Keeping vital supplies or information to oneself is considered selfish and disrespectful of the shared need for cooperation and trust.
  • Reckless Endangerment: Actions that jeopardize the safety of the group, whether through rash decisions or neglecting necessary precautions, are seen as unacceptable risks.
  Respect for the Lost City and the Open World:
  • Vandalizing Zriegast's Ruins: Desecrating the remnants of their fallen city is considered disrespectful to the ancestors and the legacy of their struggles.
  • Disturbing the Natural World: Wasting resources, polluting the environment, or harming living creatures unnecessarily shows a lack of respect for the land that sustains them.
  • Ignoring Warnings or Traditions: Disregarding elder wisdom or shared knowledge about the dangers of the open world can put not only yourself but also others at risk.

Historical figures

General Volken Sturmhammer: A legendary warrior, his booming voice and unyielding will rallied the Zriegrast guard for generations. His colossal statue, now half-buried in the island debris, remains a silent testament to his valor.   Master Architect Khelgar: His genius crafted bridges of mist and intricate clockwork guardians for Zriegast. After the city's fall, legend has it he wanders the land, haunted by the ghosts of his creations.  

The Fall and its Aftermath:

  Father Gabriel the Prophet: A charismatic preacher initially embraced for his fiery sermons against Zriegast's corruption. His descent into madness, culminating in the bloody massacre and his twisted resurrection rituals, forever scarred the city's soul.   Rox the Scaled Investigator: A cunning Lizardfolk alchemist and inventor, Rox emerged from the chaos to establish the Xinx crystal Bureau. With unparalleled knowledge of these volatile resources, he keeps Zriegast 2.0 from splintering, though whispers of his true motives linger.   Captain Anya Skyborn: A young guard captain who survived Father Gabriel's terror. Gifted with uncanny agility and an unyielding spirit, she leads a band of scavengers, forging a life beyond the Bureau's reach. They guard forgotten secrets within the shattered city, secrets both wondrous and perilous.  

Adding spice to the Mix:

  The Whispering Oracle: A mysterious entity residing within the island's fractured heart, its cryptic pronouncements guide and torment Rox in equal measure. Is it a remnant of Zriegast's arcane heart, or something far more ancient and potent?   The Wolfriders: A nomadic tribe inhabiting the plains below the floating island, rumored to possess a feral connection to the land itself. Their leader, known only as the Shadow Walker, observes Zriegast's rebirth with cold, watchful eyes.   The Clockwork Guild: A secretive group of artisans hidden within the island's ruins, who maintain and dismantle Rox's forgotten constructs. Are they benevolent keepers of lost knowledge, or do they harbor darker ambitions for the city's remnants?


Beauty Ideals

Before the Fall:
  • Stoic and Strong: Physical strength and endurance were prized, reflecting the Zriegrasions' martial spirit and unwavering dedication to defending their impregnable city. Broad shoulders, calloused hands, and piercing blue eyes spoke of a life spent building and guarding.
  • Golden Perfection: Skin was alabaster pale, untouched by the sun, highlighting the elaborate gold jewelry that adorned both men and women. Hairstyles were intricate braids or plaits, adorned with woven gold threads or sparkling gems. Clothing was rich and heavy, with furs or velvets draped over sturdy frames.
  • Sharp Features and Poise: A strong jawline, a hawk-like nose, and piercing blue eyes were considered marks of nobility and leadership. Graceful movements and unwavering postures complemented the opulent attire, embodying the strength and elegance of Zriegast's elite.
  After the Fall:
  • Resilience and Resourcefulness: Strength now manifests in weather-beaten skin, nimble hands honed by survival, and eyes that hold the wisdom of hardship. Scars, once hidden beneath silks, are now worn with pride, proof of resilience and adaptability.
  • Practicality Over Excess: Jewelry is minimal, often repurposed from salvaged materials. Clothing is functional and durable, crafted from furs, leathers, and woven fabrics suited for a nomadic life. Tattoos in shades of blue and grey depict stories of survival, family lineage, and respect for the harsh beauty of the open road.
  • Inner Strength and Grit: Sharp features remain, but their gaze is tempered by the fires of hardship. Determination and self-reliance shine through, replacing the polished poise of the past. A weathered grace emerges, born from surviving the storm and forging a new path.

Courtship Ideals

Before the Fall:
  1. Chivalry and Opulence: Courtship was a public spectacle, a display of wealth and prowess. Grand tournaments, lavish feasts, and extravagant gifts showcased a suitor's worth. Poetry and music poured forth, extolling the virtues and beauty of the desired one. Strength, loyalty, and unwavering dedication to Zriegast were highly prized.
  2. Arranged Unions: Family alliances and political maneuvering often played a significant role in courtship. Duty and honor outweighed personal feelings, with marriages cemented to forge stronger bonds between noble houses and secure the city's future.
  3. Forbidden Passion: Whispers of clandestine romances thrived in the shadows, defying societal expectations and seeking love beyond arranged unions. These secret courtships were fraught with danger and intrigue, adding a layer of excitement and forbidden passion to the rigid social norms.
  After the Fall:
  1. Practicality and Shared Hardship: In the shattered world beyond Zriegast, courtship dances to a different tune. Shared skills, resilience, and resourcefulness become the new currency of attraction. Demonstrating the ability to hunt, navigate the wilderness, and contribute to the community's survival takes center stage.
  2. Strength of Character: Courage, kindness, and the ability to weather hardship are valued above outward displays of wealth or prowess. Scars tell stories of survival, and wisdom gained through trials becomes a potent magnet for affection.
  3. Quiet Understanding: Words may be spoken in hushed tones around crackling campfires, sharing stories and dreams under the vast expanse of the night sky. Shared experiences bind hearts closer than elaborate declarations, and a deep understanding forged in shared struggles becomes the foundation of strong partnerships.
Encompassed species


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