Eletum Myth in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Eletum, the deity of dignity and pride, but also competence and precision. She is associated with the Jade Moon, the smaller of the two, and is the metaphorical sister of Sil'su. Not as worshipped as other deities, she still fulfills an important role as a patron of a very humanoid emotion, and is not unpopular, per se. Simply that she truly embodies confidence, and sometimes comes off as arrogant, especially in myths and stoires. However, the fact that she seems to care little about what these stories say shows her true nature far better.
  As for why Eletum is associated with the moon, in the early days of humanoids, it's said that the Jade Moon was the only consistent form of navigation, especially at sea. Unlike the other celestial bodies, it's motions are easily predictable. When Eletum eventually became known, the parallels were easily drawn. Even nowadays, Eletum is still most worshipped among sailors, navigators and hunters. Her weapon is a unique bow, crescent-shaped like the moon that she embodies, and her favored beasts are Qilin, particularly of the Jade variety for obvious reasons.
  Oddly, she is even distant to other deities. The only stories that surround her are those with her sister, Sil'su, and occasionally Shayi. She has little interest in directly interacting with humanoids, and when she does it often doesn't turn out well. Eletum is often compared with Anura for their similarly youthful personality, and slight haughtiness. However, the two suprisingly have no stories about them, and don't seem to interact often. 
  Long ago, a hunting party camped with little regard to the surrounding wilds. They were loud and brash, and most of all, arrogant. They hunted young Qilin for sport, and wasted the bodies of beasts they slayed for food. Eventually, their rancour attracted the ire of a Jade Qilin, the ends of its mane turning scarlet with fury. As it roared in front of them, the hunters felt little fear, overconfident to a fault. The roar, however, was not a declaration to the hunters, but to someone far above. Viridescent arrows, longer than javelins, rained from above, and blood splatters. The glowing arrows turn to jade-colored mist, the hunters laying dead at the feet of the Qilin, which roars triumphantly.


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