Anura Myth in Ealamkha'fif | World Anvil
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Anura is the other patron deity of Aerava. Among the common people Sumishaa is favored far more, but Anura makes up for it in her worshippers sheer enthusiasm. Deity to thrill seekers, pilots, and wielders of electricty and storms, Anura symbolizes all that is fast, rough and uncontrollable. Never afraid to interact with humanoids, she will often appear to her favorites, granting them knowledge and bravery. Her personality is no help to her niche popularity - she is known to be selfish, bratty and constantly changing her mind. However, she is not unkind, as many caught in particularly strong storms may testify. A small swarm of golden flying insects known as Shieldflies will encase Sky Drivers in these storms, protecting them from the winds using the ship as an anchor for the swarm. Anura has never admitted to the creation or control of these insects, but when she appears, they tend to follow.
  It is odd that Aerava has two patron deities, and even more odd that one is Anura. She has all the makings of a less worshipped deity, and is far younge then the other three. The common idea is that Sumishaa alone is too gentle to protect Aerava, but any scholar worth their salt could tell you that's not true. The other idea is that they symbolize the two essential ways of life within Aerava. Sumishaa, the gentle and determined willpower of people settling the Sky Isles, and Anura the courageous exploration and pioneers necessary to set out into the sky. This one seems far more likely, but neither deity has exactly offered up the truth.
  Anura also has temples spread across Aerava - these temples have caretakers known as Eyes, who will offer refuge to any lost travelers or people who need help. The temples are often immaculate (Anura is known to hate dirty places), although their architecture is strange to those unfamiliar - chaotic and asymmetrical shapes paired with strangely laid out rooms, as if they had been blown about by a storm. Eyes will provide those who stay the night with a special meal of rice, fresh vegetables and a curry made from @Cloudburst Orchid. These temples contain many mysteries to the outside observer - but Anura's trusted know the sky's secrets.
  A young boy speeds through the crowded streets of Najm Ramluin, on a stolen Rider. The crowd curses and yelps as he flys past, a wide grin on his face. Even the nimble Peacekeepers are unable to keep pace, running on the rooftops as he weaves through alleys, the Magi-mechanic engine roaring. Despite the deliquency, it's clear he's a natural, and it feels as if the wind pushes him, whispering in his ear, encouraging him to go faster. He breaks from the crowded areas of the commercial district and slows. He hears the breeze chuckles softly, and he cuts the engine, catching his breath. The wind laughs louder, and as he looks up from the handles, he realizes he's stopped right in front of the Peacekeeper's headquarters. A bit of panic flares in him as he's quickly put in cuffs, but is drowned by his still-racing heart and adrenaline running through him. "Let's do this again sometime." A lilting voice whispers from the wind, that only the boy can hear.


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