Lurian Empire Organization in Durin | World Anvil
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Lurian Empire

The Lurian Empire was one of the ancient human empires of the Heroic Era. The city of Luria was founded in 4196 by Skjoldr settlers, fleeing the destruction of The Giant Wars. The Lurian Kingdom grew powerful, and in 4824, multiple states joined the Lurian Confederation to ward off outside agression. Over time, the Confederation became the Empire as the Lurian leaders centralized power.   The Lurian Empire colonized multiple states on the Eastern Continent. The Empire was a rival of the Marru Empire, and the two clashed during the Marru-Lurian Wars.   The Lurian Empire collapsed into smaller states following The War of the Eagles. However, the Lurian culture became a shared history for many nations, including Atathian Empire, Fleurgurd, Maliq, Trading Coalition, and Vladkimir. The Lurian language is commonly used for trade and diplomacy.   Electrum was the primary coinage of the Lurian Empire. Some states, including Vatalli, continue to circulate electrum coins, while other states such as Acqua Draconis reected the use fo electrum coins entirely after independence.   During the height of the Lurian Imperial Court, it was custom for Court Wizards to wear pointed hats and robes, setting the traditional fashion for magic users in Lurian culture societies.
Geopolitical, Empire
Related Ethnicities

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