Rock Gnome Species in Dungar | World Anvil

Autome 20th, 22221

Rock Gnome

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Rock Gnomes re-evolved in The Cradle of the The Fiery Isles. From their they eventually spread from the isles and can be found just about everywhere in Dungar.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Originally the rock gnomes only had a given name. As time went on and the population grew around the year 2,000 they started giving family names according to the most prestigious gnome the family had. This gave rise to the first houses or families of Lockgear. The Bawippar Family, Hadwe Family, Quickspring Family, and Ronellbag Family being some of the most notable ones.

Major Organizations

Elders Council of Lockgear
The Free Company

Beauty Ideals

To a rock gnome, the most attractive part of them is their mind. A high education is a true turnon to them.

Gender Ideals

Rock gnomes see intelligence as the most important trait about a person so there are no real gender ideals among gnomes just biological ones.

Average Technological Level

No other race on the planet has actually achieved the Technological superiority that they possess.
Machine Age (9)

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Compared to some of their gnomish cousins their re-evolution was very difficult. While underground they needed to keep themselves busy and find ways to survive. They did their best to keep the old gnomish beliefs and stories alive from before The Cataclysm.
With their formal education intact they have been able to achieve the unachievable. They survived and thrived on the island in the middle of a sea of lava.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The rock gnomes have always been curious people, because of this they enjoy meeting new people and races. They even helped the Dragonborn evolve into who they are today.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Rock Gnome
Average Height
2'11" + 2d4 "
Average Weight
35 lbs + (your roll for height)lbs
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Related Materials

Gnome, Rock

ability score increase: +2 Int, +1 Wis
Size: Small
speed: You have a base walking speed of 25 feet.
parent race: Gnome
race features:
Attention to Details. You are proficient in the Investigation skill. Whenever you are inspecting machinery you are trained to notice any minor detail and immediately get a grasp of how it functions. You add double your proficiency bonus when inspecting machinery.
Dilettante. You have a natural affinity and appreciation for the arts and sciences, sometimes to an obsessive degree. You gain proficiency in one skill and one tool of your choice.


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