Corvids Species in Dungar | World Anvil

Autome 20th, 22221


The Corvid looks around the room, noticing a small copper latch that gave a faint flicker from his lantern. Reaching behind the bookcase he releases the latch allowing the bookcase to swing open.

Basic Information


Their small wings allow them to fly into areas too tight for others to get through. They also fold up nicely and neatly on their back which allows them to easily hide under clothing.


Their natural predetermination is to notice things that most do not. This makes them excellent investigators and scouts.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Raven Aarakocra
Average Height
5ft 2in + 2d6 in
Average Weight
55 lbs + (height roll x 1d2 lbs
Average Length
Wingspan 10ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All Corvids have black feathers.
Related Ethnicities


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