Lady Eirina Von'Della Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Lady Eirina Von'Della

Although young for an elf, Lady Eirina Von'Della represents the Arcane Guild in the city of Varoona Proper. It is her responsibility to oversee all magical and arcane affairs that occur within city limits and throughout the region. On top of these general duties, she also has a chair on the Board at the Siren's Bard College and the planning committee for the Namakan Games.    Despite the circumstances surrounding her son's birth and his "odd" appearance, Eirina loves Callon dearly. Everything they need can be found within the confines of the town home where they live year round, despite owning an estate outside the city walls. Although poised, she has a nervous tick and the frequency of its appearance eludes to her hidden anxiety.   Rumors circulate around the city that the Von'Della estate is haunted. On the night that Eirina was seduced by a tiefling man named Ravana, her family was mysteriously murdered, leaving her the lone survivor. Since then, she has refused to step foot within the estate again. Callon is incredibly curious about the events that led up to his birth, but has been too afraid to ask.


Atu Szeme


Towards Lady Eirina Von'Della

Lady Eirina Von'Della


Towards Atu Szeme

Atu Szeme (spouse)


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