Callon Von'Della Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Callon Von'Della

The son of one of the ancient elven noble families of Varoona, Callon Von'Della is a young, relatively new member of the BayGuard in Varoona. Despite his unusual appearance – even for a tiefling – the people of Varoona no longer seem bothered by it (or the scent), choosing to see his commitment to the guard and his skill with a crossbow.   Session 8:
  • Newt went in search of an individual who "looks like him" and ended up outside the Von'Della townhome.
  • Callon was shocked to see Newt, but seemed interested in learning more about their similarities.
  • Although he didn't seem to know anything about the fiends or the one they call "Sire", he was willing to attempt to arrange a conversation with his mother, Lady Von'Della.


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