Auntie Four Character in Dremora: SotDK | World Anvil
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Auntie Four

Perched atop the bannister of her workshop in Chaos Reigns, Auntie Four watches patrons below. She's a lean, human woman with gray - almost silver skin - and piercing golden eyes. She seems to have a permanent grin on her face, which exposes her razor-sharp, barracuda like teeth.   She – like Six and Mama Ten – is a blood witch, who's expertise appears to be alchemy. Should you have the right ingredients and a willingness to give up some blood... she's be more than delighted to teach you a couple recipes.   She is one of the owner's of Chaos Reigns.     Session 7:
  • Auntie Four bought the dynamite from the party
  • If the Widow proved his worth and acquired some monster parts - a crucial component in most alchemic recipes - she'd be wiling to perhaps share some of her blood witch knowledge and skill.


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