Therradan Character in Divostra | World Anvil
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Therradan (a.k.a. Blizzardwing)

Therradan is an ancient white dragon that lives within the glacial caverns beneath Avir-jok. She is the eldest living descendant of the ancient white dragon Beleth-Sunyr, with whom her soul has merged due to Therradan's possession the diamond Dragon Core. She is worshipped as a diety by the Sinu Drak.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though over a thousand years old, Therradan's scales shine like those of a dragon several centuries younger. She moves through the sky with the grace of a swimmer, barely making a sound even as her massive wings batter the air with every flap. Though her physique is slender, almost otter-like, the white dragon is so large that her wingspan blots out the sun. When she is on the hunt, her approach is marked by a sudden bitter cold that will freeze crops and cause standing water to ice over, before billowing clouds fill the sky and blinding blizzards batter the land. She swoops down through this obscuring snow, snatching up prey or slaughtering enemies before they even notice the massive beast is upon them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Therradan was born to a clutch of white dragons in the northern mountains of the Jungstol Taiga, in the midst of the hundred years of darkness following the Sundering. As was the case with all white dragons, Therradan's mother abandoned her wyrmlings to survive on their own, with several of Therradan's siblings dying within the first few years of life. Those that did survive spread out across Jungstol, establishing nests within the frozen peaks of northern Jungstol as well as the cliffside caves of southern Avir-jok, as Therradan had done.

Her choice of home brought the young white dragon into conflict with an outpost of duergar who had dug the caves that Therradan had chosen to make her lair. Therradan slaughtered the population of the outpost and dug her way deeper into their caves, drawn by a strange magical energy that emanated from deep within the glacial plateau. For years she dug her way through rock and ice, every century or so having to fend off attacks from the duergar attempting to reclaim their lost outpost.

By the time the white dragon had reached adulthood, she found the source of this magical aura: the massive frozen body of the ancient white greatwyrm Beleth-Sunyr. Therradan was unaware that she was gazing upon her distant relative, but she knew she should protect the source of this powerful magical energy that seemed to flow through the cave.

As the years passed, Therradan would visit the frozen body, pondering how it had ended up deep within the glacier. She noticed the body deteriorating with each passing century, despite being frozen within a solid brick of ice. What Therradan didn't notice was her own body, while continuing to grow in size, was not aging, the white dragon feeding off the powerful lifeforce of the frozen greatwyrm. Beyond the cave, Therradan warred with the duergar, who had since named her Blizzardwing, as well as other white dragons who would periodically challenge her claim to the frozen north.

The frequent attacks from the ancient white dragon spread thin the military resources of the duergar, which allowed the Sinu Drak, white dragonborn that had lived in northern Jungstol since the end of the Dracomachy, to push into lands long held by the dark dwarves. Though there was no formal alliance between the Sinu Drak and Therradan, they saw her as the second coming of the ancient greatwyrm Beleth-Sunyr, and began to worship Therradan as "White Beauty," owing to her lustrous scales and seeming agelessness. It was the Sinu Drak that informed the draconic envoys of Martu'amurruk of the powerful white dragon who ruled over the north.

When Martu'amurruk's envoy reached the frigid north to find the ancient white dragon, they discovered a greatwyrm more massive than even the Storm Mother, yet somehow still shiny in scale and swift in her movements. She was protecting what appeared to be the frozen skeleton of an ancient white dragon, and killed the first of the blue dragons to set foot in the cave, before the rest could calm her enough to communicate Martu'amurruk's plan. The white dragon rebuffed their pleas and ordered them to leave, before retreating into her lair.

That night, she was visited in a dream by the ancient white dragon Beleth-Sunyr, who showed Therradan visions of their progenitor Tiamat at the height of her power, how the mother of dragons could put Therradan in her rightful place as ruler of the lands of Divostra. Therradan woke the following day holding the diamond Dragon Core, her mind suddenly filled with the memories of her ancestor. The white dragon returned to the envoy, apologizing for her previous harshness and swearing her allegiance to the Chromatic Pact.

Divine Classification
Divine Champion
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Aussir Vor ("White Beauty" in Draconic)
Hjarnvængr ("Blizzardwing" in Dwarvish)
Year of Birth
58 ME 782 Years old
Jungstol Taiga
Aligned Organization


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