Calendar in Dierde | World Anvil


The Calendar of Dierde is different across the lands, but in the most civilized of areas it is generally some form of the King's Calendar. This was established around 0KC as the Great King had established a calendar to assist in the trade of the nations.  

The Calendars of Dierde

  This is a planet with a long unknown history. What is known is a long history of wars, civilization, monsters, and exploration. This region is a continent rife with opportunities for explorers. North-West is a large continent where the Elves dwell, North-East is the hearty Nordish Vikingr, South-West are the wild and dangerous islands where many pirates reside -- only venturing out from time to time to attack ships for supplies and fame. Further West and South of those island chains live all types of creatures and humanoid-animal types. To the East is the vast nations of Dierde. Past those limits much is unknown, and mostly resides in myth and legend. Kings Calendar. The current Calendar is using the Kings Calender based on what the Great King put down 2,020 year ago as the final calendar. Since then many regions have left the “kingdom”, but they have kept the calendar. Not much is different with the KC calendar and many other previous calendars that use the day/night cycle.   Moons. There are three moons that circle Diedre. One that follows the cycle of the year (almost) and that one is the dimmest. There is then the one that cycles following the months, and finally the one that cycles the week. Many myths, legends, and religions follow these moons.   The Calendar and Magic. Magic is a strange element on Dierde, since it comes from many different sources. A lot of the magic is a natural part of the universe since the original creator’s essence still exists all around, but with the Dragon God in the Sun, a Dragaon God in the planet and moons, and of course Gïa in the planet as well that is a lot of powerful magic floating around. Then all of the many gods who have come and gone from this universe, there is a lot of powerful magic that gets affected by the seasons and the placement of the planets and moon.    


  Many different cultures have used and are currently using various means to tell time -- just as their calendars may differ. The Common method of time is to divide the day into 24 hours, similar to what we do. Simple clocks and other devices are used in most places.   Daytime. Many inhabitants tend to divide the day into ten segments. Common names for these divisions of the day are:  
  • Dawn: The time around sunrise.
  • Morning: The time between sunrise and Highsun.
  • Highsun: When the sun was directly overhead; also called “noon” or “twelve bells”.
  • Afternoon: The time after noon.
  • Dusk: The time before sunset.
  • Sunset: The time around sunset.
  • Evening: The time after sunset.
  • Midnight: The time roughly 12 hours after noon; also called “twelve bells”.
  • Moondark: The darkest part of night; also called “night’s heart”.
  • Night’s end: The time before sunrise.
  Other divisions in Common use included:  
  • Godswake: The time before dawn.
  • Harbright: From dawn to Highsun.
  • Elsun: The latter hours of morning.
  • Thulsun: The early hours of afternoon.
  • Tharsun: The latter hours of afternoon.
  • Eventide: Same as evening, twilight, or gloaming.
  • Nightfall: Same as dusk.
  • Night: The hours of darkness.
  • Deepnight: Same as midnight.
  None of these divisions were precise. Different folk’s usages might overlap with others. In general, however, these slots of time ranged between one and four hours.   Bells. In larger cities, bells were sometimes used to mark the hours. The churches of Gond and Lathander were also particularly interested in accurate timekeeping. In such cases, hours were numbered 1 through 12 twice, with 12 being both Highsun and midnight. Bells were commonly used on spelljammers as well.   Magically Auspicious Times. When practicing the Art, the position of the sun could have noticeable effects on the efficacy of certain spell components. These times of day and the item affected:  
  • Foredawn: The quarter-hour before 5 am to the quarter-hour after 5 am. Magical immersions using turquoise were best used at this time.
  • Mornbright: The quarter-hour before 8 am to the quarter-hour after 8 am. Any spells or magical writings using amethysts were more likely to succeed during this interval.
  • Midmorn: The quarter-hour before 10 am to the quarter-hour after 10 am. Magical workings using sapphires were best done during this period.
  • High morn: The quarter-hour before 11 am to the quarter-hour after 11 am. When enchanting a weapon adorned with garnets, starting the procedure during this interval generally produced the most favorable results.
  • Highsun: “Noon”, as above. Magical workings involving diamond dust produced an increase in effectiveness when the sun was directly overhead.
  • Waterclock: The quarter-hour before 2 pm to the quarter-hour after 2 pm. Casting spells or other magical processes using emeralds as a component had an increased chance of success if performed at this time.
  • Time of summer sunset: About 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Enchantments involving powdered ruby were most effective when performed at this time of day.
  • Twilight: Around 6 o’clock in the evening. Steps of an enchantment process using opals had the greatest chance for success at this time.
  • Candleglass time: The quarter-hour before 9 pm to the quarter-hour after 9 pm. Powdered jade was best added to magical immersions during this interval.


  Using Yulîjash one can track the 12 months that make up most calendars, and like most things they go by many names. Using Common though we can see the traditional monikers. It is believed that each month favors a caste, an adventurer’s profession, or an element -- this is also part of the horoscopes.  
  • Frostmonth. Frostyulí | Krístoptyulí, Water
  • Snowmonth. Snowyulí | Prilúftyulí, Healer
  • Winterswane. Winterswaneyulí | Plablispúntyulí, Royalty
  • Rainmonth. Rainyulí | Waftyulí, Earth
  • Palesun. Palesunyulí | Thaíftyulí, Fighter
  • Highsun. Highsunyulí | Smundúlfyulí, Commoner
  • Firemonth. Fireyulí | Nyaoplamyulí, Fire
  • Fireswane. Fireswaneyulí | Nyhweíiyulí , Mage
  • Lowsun. Lowsunyulí | ag Nyaoplamyulí, Poor
  • Redfall. Redfallyulí | Meíldraíscheín Frúlpyulí, Air
  • Leafall. Leafallyulí | Plamsúj Frúlpyulí, Rogue
  • Fellnight. Fellnightyulí | Frúlpkav yulí, Dragon


  There are many holidays throughout DIerde, and many are regional.  
Common Holidays
The months in the King's Calendar:  
  • Frostmonth. Frostyulí | Krístoptyulí, Water
  • Snowmonth. Snowyulí | Prilúftyulí, Healer
  • Winterswane. Winterswaneyulí | Plablispúntyulí, Royalty
  • Rainmonth. Rainyulí | Waftyulí, Earth
  • Palesun. Palesunyulí | Thaíftyulí, Fighter
  • Highsun. Highsunyulí | Smundúlfyulí, Commoner
  • Firemonth. Fireyulí | Nyaoplamyulí, Fire
  • Fireswane. Fireswaneyulí | Nyhweíiyulí , Mage
  • Lowsun. Lowsunyulí | ag Nyaoplamyulí, Poor
  • Redfall. Redfallyulí | Meíldraíscheín Frúlpyulí, Air
  • Leafall. Leafallyulí | Plamsúj Frúlpyulí, Rogue
  • Fellnight. Fellnightyulí | Frúlpkav yulí, Dragon

Articles under Calendar