Fireswane in Dierde | World Anvil


The eight month of the year. It is was known as Nyhweíiyulí in the old tongue, and is often referred to as Fireswaneyulí by many. It is associated with the Adventuring Vocation of Mage and starts with the rise of the The Skull  

Major Dates

  8/1: Worshipers of the Halfling deity Cyrrollalee celebrate Hearthday. 8/1: Followers of Tyr perform the ritual of Seeing Justice, at which a giant warhammer appears above the congregation glowing white hot. 8/1: In Wideberth, it is Ahghairon's Day, celebrating the city's first Lord.   8/2: Day of Mage Praise   8/4: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Oldcasks, the first of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer. 8/4: The Night of Fourteen Magisters, 709 DR, sees the position of Magister pass from the incumbent, through nine clones of an ambitious archmage, the archmage himself, his apprentice, a passer-by mage, and his own apprentice, with each one being killed by the next.   8/5: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Cloakswirl, the second of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer.   8/6: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Moondown, the third of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer.   8/7-8/15: Endless Revels of Life (Sharess/Bast) 8/7: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Masks, the fourth of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer.   8/8: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Elskelter, the fifth of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer.   8/9: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Claws, the sixth of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer. 8/9: Followers of Marthammor Duin call this day the Anvil and celebrate dwarven creativity. 8/9: In the Vast, worshipers of Malar have a great feast, animate animal skeletons, and stage a ritual hunt known as the Bone Dance, around a large bonfire.   8/10: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Glarth, or "Fullbelly", the seventh of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer.   8/11: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Oamaurae, the eighth of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer.   8/12: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Clearsight, the ninth of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer.   8/13: Midsummer's Eve is known as the Celebration of the Moon to worshipers of Hathor, marked by a day of celebration and a night of moonlit trysts. 8/13: Worshipers of Lurue celebrate with a night of wild revelry. 8/13: Midsummer's Eve is the grandest of all the many festivals of Sharess and given to the pursuit of pleasure with even less inhibition than usual. 8/13: The city of Silverymoon celebrates Amalree's Pleasure, the last of its ten summertime festivals leading up to Midsummer. 8/13: Worshipers of Garl Glittergold celebrate the Communion of Laughter with various activities. 8/13: Worshipers of Torm observe the Divine Death to commemorate his self-sacrifice in the destruction of Bane. 8/13: Worshipers of Tyr perform the ritual of the Maiming at which a giant gauntleted hand appears above the congregation and then disappears in an Illusion of flaming blood.   8/14: Worshipers of Akadi gather in the Shaar at the Ruins of Blaskaltar, the site of the first known Akadi shrine. 8/14: Worshipers of Berronar Truesilver mark this night with chanted prayers, speeches, reports on the workings of the church, and an outdoor festival. 8/14: Worshipers of Beshaba engage in revels of rudeness and destruction. 8/14: Worshipers of the Svirfneblin deity Callarduran Smoothhands observe the Festival of the Ruby at twilight, celebrating the gems hidden in the earth by the Master of Stone. 8/14: Priests of the Gnomish deity Flandal Steelskin gather to make worked Metal offerings, exchange methods, and sell their best works on this day known as the High Forge. 8/14: Guardians of Gorm Gulthyn gather for ritual salutes, martial weapons displays, chanted prayers, and the offering of weapons used in a defensive action. 8/14: The government of Mulhorand takes a day off and priests of Horus-Re sing songs of praise. These are accompanied by performaces of the Divinity Plays. 8/14: Midsummer morning, priests of Lathander perform the Song of Dawn. 8/14: Worshipers of Lliira open a holy festival with the Swords Cast Down ritual in which weapons are thrown on the ground with chanting and covered with fresh flowers. 8/14: Worshipers of Loviatar celebrate the Rite of Pain and Purity by dancing in a circle upon broken glass or other sharp objects. 8/14: Followers of Marthammor Duin call this day the Hammer and celebrate dwarven craftsmanship. 8/14: On Midsummer Night, worshipers of Mielikki observe planting rites, celebrate the sensual aspect of life, and the Wild Ride, when herds of unicorns assemble and allow them to ride bareback through the forest. 8/14: Worshipers of Milil celebrate their Grand Revel with feasting, dancing, and the performing of parodies and wicked satire in song. 8/14: Worshipers of Oghma make or renew agreements and contracts on this holy day. 8/14: On Midsummer Night, worshipers of the dwarven deity Sharindlar gather around a natural underground pool to dance and perform secret rituals to the Lady of Life. 8/14: Worshipers of Silvanus consider Midsummer Night holy, and often give sacrifice by breaking and burying an object constructed of Wood. 8/14: Worshipers of Shiallia invite friendly creatures to join in feasting, dancing, and singing. 8/14: Worshipers of Sune spend Midsummer Night playing flirtatious games in forests and parks. 8/14: Worshipers of Talos call for storms and lightning. 8/14: Worshipers of Tymora engage in a night of daring adventure, wild revels, mischievous pranks, and romantic trysts. 8/14: Worshipers of the Orc deity Yurtrus celebrate the Ceremony of Contagion with bloody sacrifices and then quest to spread disease and death. 8/14: The city of Silverymoon celebrates the Feast of Love on Midsummer night. 8/14: Members of the Harpers often meet with relatives and their church allies at this time. 8/14: On the Plain of Horses, people begin the week-long Midsummer Festival, a time of banqueting to celebrate the livestock born in the spring. 8/14: Midsommer/Midsummer. Some calendars have this on the solstice day.   8/17: Worshipers of Waukeen observe Huldark, a High Festival celebrating the land's bounty, marked by a feast and the planting of new fruit trees or vegetables.   8/22: Worshipers of Tyr perform the ritual of the Blinding at which an Illusion of a giant pair of eyes appears above the congregation and then sheds flaming tears until they drain away to nothing.  
Midsummer Night, also called the Long Night, was a festival that saw much feasting, music-making, and frolicking in the forests. It was a time when love blossomed, and often acquaintances became romances and courtships traditionally became betrothals. In some lands, unmarried maidens were released in the woods and their would-be suitors then ceremonially 'hunted' them through the night. More sedate folk just enjoyed the fine weather.   Midsummer festivals of one kind or another were observed in just about every civilized settlement in Faerûn, with some variation. In more conservative cultures, families usually only got together to hold big feasts and drink too much, and couples declared their betrothals. In more liberal cultures like Silverymoon, the day was known as the Feast of Love. All shops closed at Highsun and thereafter people had private meals, with displays of public decadence evolving through the day. People wandered about, watched others, and joined in, for open doors were seen as invitations, and they wore risqué dress, told bawdy jokes, or made coarse comments they might never do any other time. Moreover, people had various dalliances while priests provided convenient curative spells for free. Lady Alustriel Silverhand herself led a "Hunt of Maidens", a night-time search for a person wearing a certain Mask. In large and wealthy houses, there were parties with naughty games and eating desserts from atop others' bodies. Of course, not everyone indulged, usually staying inside with the windows shut and doors closed. Come morning the next day, all was meant to be forgotten.   Festival acrobats were quite popular and did good business on Midsummer and the other festival days.  
It was said the Deities themselves took a hand to ensure good weather for the occasion. If bad weather such as a storm was experienced on this night, it was considered an extremely bad omen, usually thought to foretell famine or plague, and sometimes as a sign of the gods' disfavor in a romance or marriage. In any case, fortunately, it was quite rare for bad weather to occur.
  8/18: Bard Appreciation and Day of the Stage   8/19: Finder Wyvernspur Appreciation Day   8/20: Corellon Larethian and Mystara Praise Day, Corellon is more amongst the elves but has spread a bit.    

On This Day


The Mighty Menagerie

08 | Mage - The Skull cover


  The 8th month   Zodiac: Mage month (Vocation)   Constellation: 08 | Mage - The Skull   Old names: Fireswanemonat, Fireswaneyulí, Nyhweíiyulí