The Krimeon Empire Organization in Devonmire | World Anvil
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The Krimeon Empire

The Krimeon Empire is a vast country covering an area of 2.3 million square kilometers and with a population of 6.7 million people. Despite its size and diversity, the people of Krimeon are united in their adherence to the principles of justice and equality. Krimeon is home to three distinct ethnic groups: the mountain people, the farmers of the plains, and the coastal dwellers. Each group has their unique strengths and traits that contribute to the overall fabric of Krimeon society.   Krimeon is also home to three main religions: The Soldiers of Justice, the Church of Divine Justice, and the Ascetics. The Soldiers of Justice worship the God of Justice by enacting swift and brutal punishment on wrongdoers. They fight corruption and walk a fine line between righteousness and fascism. The Church of Divine Justice teaches that justice begins at a community level. They promote worship of God through charity, righteous living, diversity, and censure. The Ascetics believe that worshipping God is deeply personal. They practice many forms of self-deprivation and punishment in their acts of piety to the God of Justice.   Despite their differences in culture and religion, the people of Krimeon are united in their belief in the principles of justice and equality. This is reflected in the governance of the country, which is led by the Krimeon High Council, consisting of six councilors and one chancellor who acts as the head of state. The councilors are elected by the people during the general election, and the prefects from each province convene to choose a chancellor from among the seven elected councilors.   Krimeon has a proud military tradition, with all citizens required to undergo mandatory military service. This has helped to create a well-blended society, with a shared sense of national pride and identity. The people of Krimeon are known for their national pride, and the election process is an exciting time for citizens, with candidates coming to speak in their towns and trying to win support. The Krimeon Electoral Commission, a group of unpaid volunteers, oversees the nomination, campaign, and election process to ensure a fair and transparent outcome.   Overall, the Krimeon Empire is a diverse and vibrant country with a strong sense of justice and equality. Its people are united in their shared belief in these principles, and this is reflected in the country's governance and culture.

Demography and Population

Krimeon is a large country covering an area of 2.3 million square kilometers and has a population of 6.7 million people. The majority of the population lives in rural communities, with the rest residing in 131 large cities across the country. Krimeon is home to three distinct ethnic groups: the mountain people, the farmers of the plains, and the coastal dwellers. The mountain people are known for their resilience and self-sufficiency, having lived in the mountains for generations before Etrmur's rule. They make up around 35% of the total population and are typically fair-skinned with dark hair and eyes. The farmers of the plains, who make up around 50% of the population, are hardworking and skilled at agriculture, having cultivated the fertile farmlands in the central region of the country. They have a diverse range of physical appearances, with a mix of fair and dark-skinned individuals. The coastal dwellers, who make up the remaining 15% of the population, are a hardy people who have learned to survive in the rocky and treacherous coastal regions. They are known for their seafaring skills and are typically dark-skinned with dark hair and eyes.


  • Qatakia
Geopolitical, Empire
Ruling Organization
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The official currency of Krimeon is the Krimar.   One Gold Krimar is equivalent to 12 Silver 1 Silver equals 12 Copper   A Gold bar is 240 Gold Coins
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Items
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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