The Krimeon Civilians' Army Organization in Devonmire | World Anvil
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The Krimeon Civilians' Army

The Krimeon Civilians' Army is a mandatory military service program for all Krimeon citizens between the ages of 18 and 25. It is the primary military force of the Krimeon Empire, responsible for defending its borders, maintaining public safety and order, and providing disaster relief and other public services. For all three years of service, civilians are given the rank 'Neophyte'.   The Civilian Army provides three years of service, during which time all citizens receive basic physical conditioning and combat training, as well as specialized skill training tailored to their abilities and interests. The army also provides accommodations for disabled citizens, ensuring that everyone can serve their country to the best of their abilities.    In their second and third years after basic training, neophytes can choose to serve in a variety of roles throughout the empire, including guards, technicians, medics, search and rescue personnel, forest rangers, and mountain search and rescue teams, among others. Neophytes are encouraged to explore their interests and strengths and can receive further training in specialized fields.   At the end of their service, captains write employment recommendations for the citizens, who can then choose to return home or continue progressing within the military. The goal of the Krimeon Civilians' Army is to promote unity and a sense of duty and service among its citizens, creating a strong and cohesive empire.


Chancellor The Chancellor of the High Council is also the head of the Krimeon Military


The culture within the Krimeon Civilians' Army is one of discipline, unity, and diversity. The military is viewed as a means of fostering a sense of community and national identity, with recruits being encouraged to see themselves as part of a larger whole. The military also places a strong emphasis on physical fitness and self-improvement, with daily exercise routines and opportunities for advanced training available to all members.   At the same time, the military is careful to respect individual differences and cultural diversity, and recruits are encouraged to learn about and respect the customs and traditions of their fellow soldiers. The military also places a strong emphasis on personal responsibility and accountability, with each member being held to high standards of conduct and performance.   The military also strives to create a sense of camaraderie and support among its members, with recruits often forming close bonds with their fellow soldiers that can last a lifetime. Overall, the culture within the Krimeon Civilians' Army is one of mutual respect, support, and a shared commitment to the greater good of the empire.

Unity in Service

Military Order
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