The Church of Divine Justice Organization in Devonmire | World Anvil
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The Church of Divine Justice

The Church of Divine Justice is a religious organization founded in the Krimeon Empire. It has its roots in a grassroots relief organization established during a long and brutal war with neighboring Noellia. The organization initially provided aid and relief to war widows and orphans and later evolved into a movement that emphasized social justice and equity.   Leadership of the relief organization declared themselves an official religion and appointed ministers over regions neighboring Qatakia. The people of Krimeon were primed and ready to accept a new religion. The truth is, they had already been treating the relief organization as a Church for years before the leadership declared it publicly. This public declaration was actually their first outright challenge of the Soldiers of Justice.   The Church of Divine Justice was different from other religions because it had an active lobbying arm that put pressure on the government to enact laws that aligned with their social justice beliefs. The main issues they advocated for were ending corruption within the wealthy classes, providing housing for the less fortunate, making food available and affordable for all, and public healthcare.   Worship in the Church of Divine Justice involves a public declaration of devotion to Etrmur and a ceremonial sword-fight that recognizes Etrmur's military leadership and authority. While prayer is important, it is not regimented. Prayer is instead supposed to be meditation of Etrmur's religious texts and their meaning.   The Church of Divine Justice has a sophisticated internal economy where members are expected to tithe and do charitable works. The Church also emphasizes social accountability over personal responsibility. An individual is accountable to the society they live in, and that society is also responsible for that individual's fair and just treatment.   The priesthood of the Church of Divine Justice is comprised of Eparchs who lead the Church in each region of Krimeon, under the Sovereign, who is the head of the Church. The Cardinals are the Sovereign's hands and feet within the organization. Priests lead individual churches within the various communities of a region.   The Sovereign is appointed by the Cardinals, who are themselves appointed by the Sovereign. The Sovereign is chosen for their knowledge of Etrmur's religious texts, their charisma and leadership abilities, and their dedication to the Church's tenets.   The Church of Divine Justice has been influential in the political fabric of the organizations it has permeated. It has challenged the traditional power structures and advocated for social justice issues. The Church's lobbying efforts have been successful in enacting policies that align with their beliefs.


Justice and Equity: The most important tenet of faith is to work towards justice and equity for all members of society, especially the less fortunate. This means that the faithful are expected to be charitable and actively work to alleviate poverty and injustice.   Honesty and Integrity: The Church teaches that lying and deception are sins, and that the faithful should always be truthful and act with integrity. This includes being honest in business dealings and avoiding corruption.   Non-Violence: While the Church does recognize the importance of military leadership and authority, violence is generally discouraged. The Church's focus is on social justice and peaceful resolution of conflicts.   Humility and Service: The Church teaches that the faithful should be humble and serve others, especially those in need. This means that acts of service and charity are considered pious acts.   Respect for Authority: The Church believes that all authority comes from Etrmur and that obedience to legitimate authority is necessary for a just and peaceful society. However, this does not mean blind obedience to oppressive or corrupt leaders.   Modesty and Self-Control: The Church encourages modesty and self-control in all areas of life, including dress, speech, and behavior. Extravagance and excess are discouraged.   Social Accountability: Social accountability is emphasized over personal responsibility. Every individual is accountable to their society, and every society is responsible for ensuring fair and just treatment for each of its members.   Some actions that are considered sins in the Church of Divine Justice include lying, stealing, violence (except in self-defense or military leadership), corruption, and extravagance. Pious acts include acts of service and charity, meditating on Etrmur's religious texts, and working towards social justice and equity.


Prayer: Prayer is seen as a form of meditation on Etrmur's religious texts and their meaning. Members of the Church are encouraged to read and study Etrmur's writings on a regular basis as a way to deepen their understanding of the principles of justice and equity.   Tithing: Tithing is an important aspect of worship in the Church of Divine Justice. Members are expected to donate a portion of their income to the church, which is then used to fund various social justice initiatives and charitable causes.   Charitable works: The Church of Divine Justice places a strong emphasis on charitable works and social justice initiatives. Members are expected to engage in acts of service and charity, such as feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and providing shelter for the homeless.   Holy days: The Church of Divine Justice celebrates a number of holy days throughout the year, including Etrmur's Day (the birthday of the religion's founder), the Day of Justice (which commemorates the church's commitment to social justice), and the Day of Atonement (a day of fasting and reflection).   Communal worship: Communal worship is an important part of the Church of Divine Justice. Members gather together regularly to worship, pray, and participate in various rituals and ceremonies. These gatherings are typically led by a Priest or Eparch.   The Sacraments: The first sacrament is a public declaration of devotion to Etrmur, the founder of the religion. This declaration involves reciting a set of vows that affirm one's commitment to Etrmur's teachings and the principles of justice and equity. This declaration is typically done in the presence of other members of the Church and is seen as a way to publicly affirm one's membership in the community. The second sacrament is a ceremonial sword-fight that recognizes Etrmur's military leadership and authority. This ceremony is performed by members of the Church who have demonstrated their skill in combat and is seen as a way to honor Etrmur's legacy as a military commander. The sword-fight is also symbolic of the struggle for justice and equity, with the combatants representing the forces of good and evil.


The priesthood of the Church of Divine Justice is a crucial aspect of the religious organization. The priests are responsible for leading individual churches within the various communities of a region, and for ensuring that the tenets of the faith are followed by the faithful. They are considered to be the intermediaries between the Sovereign and the lay members of the Church.   The process of becoming a priest is a rigorous one. First, an individual must be nominated by their local church and then approved by the Eparch of their region. Once approved, the individual undergoes a period of training in the tenets of the faith, as well as in the specific rituals and practices of the Church. This training period typically lasts for several years, during which time the individual must demonstrate their commitment to the faith and their ability to lead a congregation.   Once the training period is complete, the individual is ordained as a priest and is given the authority to lead their own congregation. They are distinguished from the rest of the flock by their vestments, which typically consist of a black cassock, a silver circlet, and a stole in the colors of the Church (red, white, and silver).   The priests are expected to live a life of service to the Church and to the community. They are allowed to marry or engage in romantic relationships, but they are also expected to devote their lives entirely to the Church. They are also expected to be models of moral behavior, and are held to a high standard of personal conduct.     In addition to their duties as leaders of their congregations, the priests also play an important role in the wider community. They are expected to provide counseling and spiritual guidance to those in need, and to be advocates for social justice and equality. They often work closely with other community leaders to address social issues and to promote the well-being of all members of the community.   Overall, the priesthood of the Church of Divine Justice is a vital component of the organization. The priests serve as both spiritual leaders and community advocates, and are held to a high standard of moral and ethical behavior. They are an integral part of the Church's mission to promote social justice and equality, and play a critical role in guiding the faithful on their spiritual journeys.   The appointment of the Sovereign is a solemn and ritualistic process within the Church of Divine Justice. The Cardinals, who serve as the highest-ranking members of the Church, are responsible for the appointment of the Sovereign. The Cardinals convene in a private location and undergo a process of prayer and meditation to seek guidance from Etrmur before making their decision.   The Cardinals are guided by a set of principles outlined in the Church's religious texts, which include qualities such as discernment, fairness, and a deep understanding of Etrmur's teachings. The Cardinals consider all eligible candidates, but ultimately make their decision based on who they believe is the most qualified and deserving to hold the position of Sovereign.   Once the Cardinals have made their decision, they make an official announcement to the Church community, and the newly-appointed Sovereign is presented to the people. The Sovereign then undergoes a public coronation ceremony, where they pledge to uphold the teachings of Etrmur and to serve the Church and its followers with fairness and compassion.   The Sovereign holds a great deal of power and responsibility within the Church. They are responsible for interpreting Etrmur's teachings and ensuring that they are upheld within the Church and throughout the wider community. The Sovereign also serves as a spiritual leader and provides guidance and support to the Eparchs and Priests who lead the Church at a local level.   The Sovereign is distinguished from the rest of the flock by their role as the head of the Church. They wear ceremonial garments and are treated with great respect and reverence by the Church community. However, the Sovereign is also expected to live a life of humility and service, and to always put the needs of the Church and its followers before their own personal interests.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Church of Divine Justice is a powerful force within the political landscape of Krimeon. As a grassroots movement that grew out of a relief organization for war widows and orphans, the Church has evolved into a religion focused on social justice and equity. It has permeated all levels of Krimeon's society, from the common people to the wealthy elite, and has established a complex internal economy and lobbying arm. At the heart of the Church's mission is the belief in the exaction of justice as the path to peace. They see themselves as the stewards of Etrmur's original will, which they believe is focused on social justice and equity. This belief has permeated all aspects of their organization, including their political activity.   One of the Church's key political goals is the eradication of corruption within the wealthy classes. They see this as a primary source of injustice and one of the main reasons why the less fortunate are unable to obtain basic necessities like housing and food. To achieve this goal, the Church has established an active lobbying arm, which puts pressure on the government to enact laws that align with their social justice beliefs. They also seek to hold the wealthy accountable for their actions through public shaming and boycotts.   The Church's economic model is also a powerful political tool. Members are expected to tithe and do charitable works, which has created a sophisticated internal economy within the Church. This economic model has allowed the Church to provide much-needed aid and relief to the less fortunate in Krimeon. It has also created a powerful political force, as the Church is able to use its resources to influence policy decisions and shape the political landscape.   The Church's impact on the political fabric of Krimeon is also seen in the way it has established its own political system. The Church ceded political power back to Etrmur's High Council, a group of leaders democratically elected by the people of Krimeon. This system has allowed the Church to have a say in the governance of Krimeon, and it has also allowed the people to have a voice in their own governance.   The Church's impact on the political fabric of Krimeon has been significant. It has challenged the Soldiers of Justice, the ruling regime in Krimeon, and has established itself as a powerful political force. Its focus on social justice and equity has permeated all aspects of Krimeon's society, and its sophisticated internal economy and lobbying arm have made it a formidable political player. The Church's influence on the political landscape of Krimeon will likely continue to grow in the coming years.

Etrmur's Justice is for All!

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