The Kingdom of Noellia Organization in Devonmire | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Noellia

Noellia is a sovereign country located in the continent of Devonmire, bordered by Krimeon to the west and Myst to the north. The country is known for its diverse geography, ranging from savannahs, deserts, and jungles in the south and east to a mountainous range in the west. Noellia is the largest country in Devonmire in terms of both area and population. The country is ruled by a monarchy, with the current king being King Tariq III. The monarchy is highly revered in Noellian culture, and the people hold the king and his family in high regard. Noellia is also known for its devotion to Illiberra, the god of honor. The country has a long history of upholding honor and beauty, which is reflected in its legal system and cultural practices. The Noellian people are proud of their country's rich history and traditions, and they continue to honor them to this day.


  • King/Queen: The highest-ranking official in Noellia, responsible for governing the country, making major decisions and signing bills into law. The King/Queen is also the head of state and represents the country in diplomatic affairs.
  • Chief Minister of Justice: Second in command to the King/Queen, responsible for overseeing the justice system and making sure that the laws of the land are being enforced.
  • Lord/Lady of a Province: Responsible for overseeing the administration of a particular province, which includes appointing Barons/Mayors to govern the counties within their province.
  • Baron/Mayor: Responsible for governing a county within a province, including overseeing the court system and making sure that local laws are being enforced.
  • Judge: Responsible for presiding over trials and making legal decisions within the court system.
  • Civic Official: Responsible for working within a government ministry and helping to implement policies and laws set forth by the King/Queen and the Chief Minister of Justice.
  It's worth noting that the King/Queen has the power to appoint and remove officials at any level of the government, and that there are also various other officials and advisors who may hold lesser titles and have specialized roles within the government.


Noellians are a proud and devout people who hold honor and respect above all else. They believe that all individuals, regardless of their station, have inherent worth and that it is their duty to uphold this value through their words and actions. They are deeply connected to their history and heritage, which they view as a source of strength and guidance. Family is of utmost importance to Noellians, and they take great care to maintain close relationships with their loved ones. They have a strong sense of community and believe that everyone has a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the greater society. They value education and hard work, viewing them as necessary tools for personal and societal growth.   Noellians are also deeply religious, with the worship of their god, Illiberra, being a central aspect of their lives. They see their faith as a guiding force, providing them with strength and wisdom in times of need. They hold their religious leaders in high regard and often seek their guidance on important matters.   Overall, Noellians are a people who prioritize honor, respect, and community above personal gain. They view the world as a place to be navigated with these values in mind and believe that by upholding them, they can make the world a better place for all.

Public Agenda

The Mandate of the Kingdom of Noellia is to uphold the values of Illiberra, god of honor for all its citizens. The Monarch and their government strive to create a society that is fair, inclusive, and supportive of individual freedoms. They believe that a strong and just government, guided by Illiberra's spirit of honor, is essential to creating a stable and prosperous nation. The Noellian people have a deep respect for tradition and heritage, and seek to maintain the balance between the old and the new. The Monarchy recognizes the importance of diplomacy and cooperation with other nations, and is committed to promoting peace and stability throughout the world.


  • Natural resources: Noellia's diverse geography provides access to a wide range of natural resources, such as timber, precious metals and stones, minerals, and fertile land for agriculture.
  • Large population: With the largest population on the continent, Noellia has a large pool of potential labor, soldiers, and consumers.
  • Strategic location: Noellia's location on the coast and borders with other countries provides opportunities for trade and diplomacy.
  • Strong military: Noellia's military prowess is a matter of national pride and having strong warriors is a major asset in defending the country and keeping the peace.
  • Cultural influence: Noellia's history and traditions gives it significant cultural influence over its neighbors and beyond.
  • Infrastructure: Noellia's large size and population has led to the development of advanced infrastructure, such as roads, ports, and public works.
  • Technological advancements: Noellia's universities and centers of learning have followed in Myst's example and led to advancements in fields such as medicine, engineering, and agriculture, providing a competitive advantage.
  • Political stability: Noellia's long-standing monarchy and stable government provides a strong foundation for economic and social development.


Noellia has a rich history dating back to ancient times, before the reign of the gods. It is said that the first human settlements in Noellia were established over 2,000 years ago, and the country has been home to many civilizations since then. Illiberra, the god of honor's reign began approximately 1,200 years ago and the monarchy has been a central part of Noellian culture ever since. The country has experienced its fair share of war and conflict, with the neighboring country of Krimeon being a frequent rival. Notable events in Noellia's history include the Battle of the Plains in which Noellian forces triumphed over a Krimeon army that sought to subjugate the island of Tsugeoka; the reign of King Tariq I who established Noellia's first university, and the introduction of the King's Games by King Alim in the year 50 after Illiberra's ascension.   Today, Noellia is the largest country on the continent and is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse geography, and commitment to honor and the celebration of beauty.


Yatu: Located in central Noellia, Yatu houses the illustrious capital city of Imphal, where the Royal Family resides. As the political and cultural heart of the kingdom, Yatu thrives with bustling markets, grand palaces, and ornate temples. The province's diverse landscape encompasses fertile plains and verdant forests, providing bountiful resources for its people.   Jiovia: Known for its vibrant arts and entertainment scene, Jiovia is a province of creative spirits and lively festivals. The landscapes of Jiovia vary from picturesque coastal areas to rolling hills dotted with vineyards and olive groves. Its coastal cities offer stunning views of the ocean and serve as major trade hubs.   Manfan: Nestled between lush forests and serene lakes, Manfan exudes tranquility and natural beauty. This province is renowned for its skilled artisans who craft intricate woodwork and pottery. The people of Manfan have a deep connection to nature and engage in sustainable practices to protect their environment.   Alalwakha: With its majestic mountains and breathtaking valleys, Alalwakha is a haven for adventurers and nature enthusiasts. The province's inhabitants are hardy and resourceful, relying on mining and traditional crafts to sustain their way of life.   Pohtivies: Pohtivies is an agricultural province blessed with fertile lands and abundant harvests. Its picturesque villages and vast fields make it a quintessential representation of Noellia's rural charm. The people of Pohtivies are known for their hospitality and dedication to preserving their agrarian traditions.   Kijarta: Known as the province of knowledge and learning, Kijarta is home to esteemed universities and libraries. Its cities boast magnificent architecture and a vibrant intellectual atmosphere. The locals take great pride in their scholarly pursuits and celebrate the pursuit of wisdom.   Gheed: Positioned on the western frontier of Noellia, Gheed is a strategic March territory with its capital city, Vellore, serving as the region's political and military center. The ongoing conflict with Krimeon has instilled resilience and fortitude in the people of Gheed, who stand united to defend their homeland.   Ourilajo: Ourilajo is a coastal province known for its maritime heritage and skilled seafarers. Its picturesque fishing villages and bustling ports contribute significantly to Noellia's trade and naval prowess. The locals possess a deep reverence for the sea, and their culture is intertwined with nautical traditions.   Kuukimat: Surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, including snow-capped mountains and serene lakes, Kuukimat is a province of stunning natural beauty. The locals are skilled hunters and gatherers, harmoniously coexisting with their environment.   Tameskila: Rich in mineral resources and adorned with dense forests, Tameskila is an industrial hub of Noellia. The province's thriving mining and lumber industries fuel the kingdom's economic growth, attracting settlers seeking employment opportunities.   Puskinen: Known for its enchanting folklore and mystical aura, Puskinen is a province steeped in mythology and ancient traditions. The locals revere their spiritual heritage and hold elaborate ceremonies to honor their ancestral spirits.   Osahonenmaa: Osahonenmaa is a province of picturesque farmlands and charming villages. The people here are skilled agriculturalists, producing a variety of crops that sustain the kingdom's food supply.   Lahkava: Lahkava is a province of sprawling vineyards and orchards, renowned for producing some of Noellia's finest wines and fruits. The locals take immense pride in their winemaking expertise and host grand festivals to celebrate their harvests.   Halrhea: Surrounded by lush forests and serene lakes, Halrhea is a province of unparalleled natural beauty. The locals have a deep reverence for the environment, and their sustainable practices ensure the preservation of their beloved homeland.   Landy: Situated to the south of Gheed, Landy is another March territory that faces the frontline of the war with Krimeon. The province is fortified, and its capital city serves as a stronghold against the ongoing conflict.   Lahmia: Lahmia is a coastal province known for its pristine beaches and vibrant seaside culture. The locals excel in fishing and maritime trade, and their coastal cities are adorned with colorful architecture.   Hankania: Hankania boasts breathtaking mountain ranges and fertile valleys. The province's skilled blacksmiths and metalworkers craft exceptional weaponry and armor, contributing significantly to Noellia's military strength.   Jepsia: Jepsia is a province of fertile plains and picturesque meadows, dotted with charming villages. The locals take pride in their agricultural heritage and maintain a strong sense of community.   Mashia: Surrounded by dense forests and tranquil rivers, Mashia is a province of natural wonders. The locals have a deep connection to the land and practice traditional herbal medicine.   Almar: Almar is a province of stunning coastal landscapes and thriving maritime trade. The province's people are skilled navigators, and their ships play a crucial role in Noellia's maritime dominance.   Tormuhavus: Nestled amid rolling hills and fertile plains, Tormuhavus is an agricultural province with rich harvests. The locals hold annual harvest festivals and celebrate their farming traditions.   Kauto: Located to the east of Gheed, Kauto is a province with diverse landscapes, ranging from arid deserts to lush oases. The people here have adapted to the challenging environment and engage in nomadic lifestyles.   Jamesjaria: Jamesjaria is a province renowned for its breathtaking waterfalls and pristine lakes. The locals have a deep respect for water and revere their water deities through elaborate ceremonies.   Shiyamad: Surrounded by lush tropical forests and teeming with diverse wildlife, Shiyamad is a province of vibrant biodiversity. The locals are skilled hunters and gatherers, living in harmony with their natural surroundings.   Vakmaa: Vakmaa is a province of majestic mountains and picturesque valleys. The locals have a rich oral tradition, preserving their history and folklore through captivating storytelling.

Foreign Relations

Noellia has historically maintained relationships with neighboring nations, though these relationships have not always been positive. The nation of Myst shares a border with Noellia to the north, and while the terrain and climate in Myst can be rough, Noellia values the knowledge and science that Myst can provide. In turn, the people of Myst rely on Noellia for many resources through trade, and Noellian fashion and art are highly sought after in Myst.   Krimeon, on the other hand, has been a source of tension for Noellia. The two nations have endured several wars over the years, and many Noellians view Krimeon as a nation of warmongers. Noellia sees itself as the protector of the continent, and as such, it feels a duty to protect Myst and the Tsugeokan Islands from Krimeon.   Located off Noellia's eastern coast, the Tsugeokan Islands are generally hostile to outsiders. Despite this, they do tolerate some trade with Noellia, which is important for the nation's economy.   Overall, Noellia has had to navigate complex diplomatic relationships with its neighbors, balancing the need for resources and trade with the need to protect its borders and its people.


The legal system in Noellia is rooted in Illiberra's teaching of honor. The judiciary is independent of the monarchy and is responsible for the interpretation and enforcement of laws. The highest court is the Royal Court, which consists of seven judges appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the Chief of Justice.   The legal system is divided into criminal and civil courts. Criminal cases are heard by a judge and a jury, while civil cases are heard by a judge only. Defendants in criminal cases have the right to a fair and speedy trial, and to be represented by a lawyer.   Noellia also has a system of family courts, which deal with matters relating to family and inheritance issues. The decisions of the family courts can be appealed to the regular court system.   Punishments in Noellia vary depending on the severity of the crime. The death penalty is used for crimes such as murder, treason, and espionage. Forced labour and civil service are also common punishments. The legal system in Noellia is constantly evolving, with new laws being introduced to reflect changing social attitudes and economic circumstances.

Agriculture & Industry

Noellia's diverse landscape supports a variety of agricultural activities. The fertile soils of the savannahs are used to grow crops like wheat, maize, and rice, while the humid forests are home to fruit trees like mangoes and bananas. The arid regions of the country, particularly the vast deserts, are used for grazing livestock such as camels, goats, and cattle.   In terms of industry, Noellia has a strong mining sector, particularly for gold and diamonds. The country also has a significant timber industry due to the vast expanses of forests. Manufacturing is focused mainly on textiles and clothing, with a thriving market for handmade fabrics and traditional clothing. The production of leather goods and crafts is also an important industry, particularly in the cities.   Noellia has a long history of trading, and its ports are vital to the country's economy. Cities along waterways like Imphal, the capital, have bustling markets with traders from across the continent. The country's vast network of rivers also supports transportation and trade, particularly for agricultural goods. Overall, Noellia's agriculture and industry are varied and significant, contributing greatly to the country's economy and culture.

Trade & Transport

Noellia is a vast kingdom that spans across diverse terrains, from dense jungles to open savannahs and even deserts. Its landscape is marked by rugged mountains, rolling hills, winding rivers, and expansive coastlines. In the north, the kingdom shares a border with the harsh and unforgiving land of Myst, while to the east, it overlooks the vast expanse of the Euradra Sea. The capital city of Imphal is situated in the heart of the kingdom, surrounded by lush forests and fertile farmland.   The northern region of Noellia is dominated by mountains and valleys, with deep gorges and steep cliffs. The central region is home to vast savannahs and grasslands, where small villages roam with their livestock. The southern region is characterized by dense jungles and tropical forests, with abundant flora and fauna. Along the coastline, the kingdom has bustling ports and thriving fishing villages, while the desert region in the west is home to historic tribes and hardy farmers who practice irrigation agriculture.   Noellia's diverse terrain and climate allow for a range of agricultural practices, including crop farming, livestock rearing, and fishing. The kingdom produces a variety of crops, including rice, wheat, corn, and fruits such as mangoes and bananas. Livestock rearing is also a major industry, with cattle, sheep, goats, and horses being raised for meat, milk, and transport. Fishing is particularly important along the coastlines and rivers, with a wide range of fish and seafood being caught and consumed. The kingdom also has a thriving mining industry, with deposits of precious metals, gems, and minerals scattered throughout its territory.

Honor the People; Honor the Crown

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Legislative Body
The Noellian Parliament consists of two houses - the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords is composed of nobles and appointed individuals, while the House of Commons is made up of elected representatives from the various provinces. The Parliament has the power to make and pass laws, and also approves the national budget. The Prime Minister leads the government in the House of Commons, and is responsible for steering government policy and responding to questions from the opposition.
Judicial Body
The Noellian judiciary is headed by the Royal Court, which is made up of a Chief Justice and eight other judges. The Royal Court has the power of judicial review and can declare laws unconstitutional. Below the Royal Court are the Court of Appeals, which hears appeals from lower courts, and the High Court, which is the highest trial court. Lower courts include the Circuit Courts, which handle civil and criminal cases, and Magistrate Courts, which deal with minor offenses. Judges are appointed by the Monarch on the advice of their Chancellor and Advisors.
Executive Body
The Noellian Monarch serves as the head of state and has ceremonial duties, as well as some reserve powers, such as the ability to appoint the Prime Minister and dissolve Parliament. The Monarch's duties include overseeing the Chancellor who is charged with the day-to-day affairs of government and the Advisors, who are responsible for implementing policies, managing government departments, and responding to emergencies. The Advisors is appointed by the Chancellor and includes the heads of major government departments, such as defense, finance, and foreign affairs.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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