Gheed Organization in Devonmire | World Anvil
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Gheed, a resolute March situated on the western frontier of the illustrious Kingdom of Noellia, stands as a testament to resilience and prosperity amidst the turmoil of war. Ruled by the steadfast Marquis of Gheed, the territory encompasses a diverse landscape of 120km², adorned with lush grasslands and tropical seasonal forests. At its heart lies the captivating capital city of Vellore, nestled along the scenic western shore of Lake Crenis, offering breathtaking views and access to abundant freshwater resources. While Gheed may be far from the frontline battles with Krimeon, its role as a crucial stronghold against the encroaching Empire shapes its identity and destiny. Home to a population of 219,000, Gheed comprises several major cities, each with its unique charm and significance. The capital city, Vellore, exudes an architectural grandeur with its walled precincts and ten distinctive districts, including the prestigious Marquis Estate. The verdant beauty and rich natural resources of Gheed foster a thriving ecosystem, where diverse flora and fauna harmoniously interact with the ever-changing seasons.   With its tropical climate, Gheed experiences summers marked by monsoon-like rains and balmy winters with mild temperatures. Throughout the year, the territory experiences peculiar localized phenomena, such as vivid electric colors during thunderstorms, enigmatic Lake Crenis fogs, and captivating crimson whirlwinds.   As the echoes of war resound in the distance, Gheed's people stand united, drawing strength from the fertile lands, rich resources, and enduring camaraderie. From the bustling streets of Vellore to the remote villages like Haume and Kevanda, the spirit of Gheed prevails. This wiki article endeavors to explore the captivating allure and enduring spirit of Gheed, a land of boundless potential and unyielding fortitude.   Gheed's landscape is a striking blend of grasslands and tropical seasonal forests, stretching across 120km². The territory is characterized by rolling hills and expansive plains, providing an ideal terrain for agriculture and grazing. Vellore, the capital city, is located on the western shore of the picturesque Lake Crenis, offering serene views and a freshwater source for the residents. The Pestelle River meanders through the region, enhancing the fertility of the surrounding lands and enabling trade and transportation between cities. The ecosystem of Gheed is diverse and vibrant, with its biological organisms intricately entwined with the physical environment. Lush tropical flora thrives in the seasonal forests, sustaining a variety of wildlife, while the grasslands support herds of grazing animals. The interactions between the animals, plants, and climate create a balanced and self-sustaining environment, contributing to the overall health and resilience of the ecosystem.   With the passing of seasons, Gheed's ecosystem undergoes remarkable changes. During the monsoon-like summers, the grasslands transform into lush green expanses, attracting migratory birds and herbivores seeking ample food and water. The tropical forests come alive with blossoms and fruits, providing sustenance to a wide range of animals. In the winter, the grasslands become golden, and some species migrate to warmer regions while others hibernate or conserve energy to endure the cooler temperatures. The rhythmic cycles of migration, hibernation, and procreation contribute to the balance of the ecosystem.   Gheed is known for its breathtaking natural beauty and unique phenomena. The interaction of ferrous earth with lightning during thunderstorms creates mesmerizing displays of electrically charged colors in the sky. Rare and sudden sandstorms, known as "Crimson Whirlwinds," are a phenomenon unique to the territory, adding an element of mystery and awe to the landscape. Natural gases occasionally emerge from fissures in the ground, giving rise to "Mystic Mists," which locals believe carry mystical energies. Additionally, enigmatic "Lake Crenis Fogs" can envelop the lake's surface during certain atmospheric conditions, creating an ethereal ambiance.   Gheed experiences a tropical climate with distinct seasonal variations. Summers are hot and humid, with temperatures reaching as high as 31°C during the day and cooling to around 24°C at night. Winters are milder, with temperatures ranging from 19°C at night to 25°C during the day. The territory is prone to monsoon-like rains during the summer, providing essential water for the ecosystem and agricultural activities. The climate's stability throughout the year allows for dependable agricultural cycles, ensuring the prosperity of Gheed's inhabitants.   The fertile grasslands of Gheed support a variety of flora, including tall savannah grasses, vibrant wildflowers, and scattered acacia trees. The tropical seasonal forests are home to lush vegetation, such as towering mahogany trees, colorful orchids, and aromatic herbs. The fauna in Gheed is equally diverse, with a range of animals coexisting harmoniously. Indigenous species include elegant antelopes, agile cheetahs, majestic elephants, vibrant parrots, and elusive panthers. In and around Lake Crenis, the ecosystem teems with aquatic life, including graceful swans, diligent beavers, and schools of fish.   Gheed boasts an abundance of natural resources. The forests yield valuable timber for construction and crafting, while the grasslands provide fertile grounds for farming, yielding bountiful crops of grain and produce. Vast herds of livestock, such as sheep and cattle, graze on the plains, supplying ample meat and dairy. The mineral-rich bowels of the earth offer precious metals and stones, supporting the territory's artisanal craftsmanship and trade. Additionally, the freshwater lake and the Pestelle River serve as essential resources for fishing, irrigation, and transportation. These resources, coupled with the industrious spirit of Gheed's people, contribute to the territory's self-sufficiency and prosperity, even amidst the challenges of the ongoing war.


Gheed's population of 219K is predominantly clustered around the major cities. Vellore, as the capital, boasts the highest population, with a diverse mix of nobles, aristocrats, and commoners. Umamine, being on the frontline, houses a substantial number of soldiers and their families, as well as support personnel. Haume, isolated until Krimeon's encroachment, now shelters refugees seeking safety and protection. Kevanda, the Barony acting as a stronghold against Krimeon, has a resilient population of defenders and skilled craftsmen contributing to the war efforts. Throughout Gheed, people from various walks of life stand united in their commitment to safeguarding Noellia's border and maintaining the Marquis' authority. Gheed, as a March, operates under the authority of the Marquis of Gheed, who serves as the territory's highest-ranking noble and military commander. The Marquis has the power to levy taxes, raise armies, and make decisions regarding the defense and governance of the region. In times of war, the Marquis works closely with trusted advisors and the Lords of key cities like Vellore and Kevanda to coordinate military strategies and maintain order. The military structure is well-organized, with seasoned commanders leading the troops on the frontline and securing the March's borders.   Gheed's infrastructure is meticulously designed to support both civilian life and the military. In Vellore, sturdy stone walls fortified with watchtowers and battlements protect the city's inhabitants. The bustling markets and trade routes facilitate the movement of goods and supplies between cities, ensuring the March's self-sufficiency. Throughout Gheed, strategically placed outposts, watchtowers, and guard posts serve as early warning systems against Krimeon incursions. In Umamine, military encampments and training grounds have been erected to accommodate the soldiers stationed there. The Barony of Kevanda boasts a formidable castle, serving as the headquarters for the Marquis' forces and a symbol of resistance against the Krimeon threat.   Gheed's architecture reflects a blend of utilitarian designs and Noellian cultural influences. The buildings are constructed with local stones and timber, showcasing the March's ability to make the most of its natural resources. The architecture in Vellore exudes a sense of nobility and heritage, with grand palaces and elegant structures adorning the city. In Umamine, the buildings possess a more pragmatic style, built for durability and easy maintenance during times of conflict. Haume's architecture, influenced by its isolation, retains a simpler and traditional charm. Kevanda's castle, a formidable stronghold, epitomizes the military prowess of Gheed, standing tall as a testament to the March's unwavering resolve in the face of adversity.


  • Gheed
    A Map of the March of Gheed
Geopolitical, County / March
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