New Year's Resolution 2024 in Derkomai | World Anvil

New Year's Resolution 2024

Well, I had a good WorldEmber 2023. I wrote a little over 42K words - even more than last year - and beat my goal by quite a lot. I also revamped the Derkomai Home Page, which I thought was really boring and not very attractive. I hope people now will find it a lot more visually interesting, and it will draw people into exploring Derkomai more. I'm always open to feedback and comments, though! I'm always trying to improve the "reader experience" and make Derkomai a great setting for stories and RPG adventures and campaigns.   So, now it's time to take a look at what others have done for WorldEmber 2023. I'm looking forward to reading some super creative, inspiring, imaginative articles! Like I did for Summer Camp 2023, I'm going to use a random number generator to pick the articles to read to avoid my personal biases. I want to give everyone that participated an equal chance to get a bit of recognition for their work.   Here we go! There are 25 Special Categories. I'll first choose the category, see how many articles have been submitted to the category, then use the random number generator to pick an article in the category.   1. First is category #24: MYTH/LEGEND SPECIAL CATEGORY. There are 95 entries to this category, and the random number generator says...Entry #56. That is The Dracothane Colossus in the Dimminium world by Leo Haberkamp.

The Dracothane Colossus is the skull of a giant dragon, "the size of a mansion," left on the shores of the Drakemire Coast long ago, after a titanic battle between the Dracothane and the gods of the world. The gods ultimately prevailed, but left the skull of their opponent where it fell. It is now "a site of awe and mystery" holding wisdom and power. I enjoyed reading this article. Then concept is interesting, and I was left with several questions: What power and wisdom are to be found there? What might I encounter if I traveled there? I'll be following Dimminium to see how it develops.

2. The second category is #16: SETTLEMENT SPECIAL CATEGORY. There are 174 entries in this category, and the random number generator points me to #26, which is Ripper Star City, created by Lady Wynter.

Ripper Star City is a small, diverse city (really, a small town, it seems) founded on the world of Nisa at the location where the space ship called the Ripper Star landed. The hull of the ship still serves a district of the city (the Ship Ward). I'd like to know more about Ripper Star City, Caelum Prime, and Nisa.

3. The RNG points me to category #18 as the third category: CHARACTER SPECIAL CATEGORY. There are a #&^%load of entries for this category (as expected). The RNG says...Entry #222, which is Yurumi Maldi by Rahjar.

Yurumi Maldi is a young woman (26 years old) that appears to be a skilled fighter from a troubled family. The article hints about Yurumi Maldi's personality, past, and family (she has three younger siblings, one of whom killed their parents), but doesn't provide a lot of detail. I think to understand her better, I will need to read more about Rahjar's world, The Special Convention.

4. Next is category #20, the SPECIES SPECIAL CATEGORY. This category also has a ton of entries - 290 to be exact. The RNG points to entry #272: Masuge by Incorrigible on the world of Gụo.

Masuge are carnivorous humanoids with some similarities to large felines, including prominent canine teeth. It is worth noting that Incorrigible creates all of the artwork for Gụo. It looks to me that Gụo is still early in its development.

5. The RNG pointed me next to category #25, the LANGUAGE SPECIAL CATEGORY, which has 42 entries, out of which #10 was chosen randomly. That article is EDENIAN SLANG by E. Christopher Clark.

I was pleasantly surprised to be pointed again to one of eccbooks' articles. When I did my Summer Camp 2023 After-Action Review, I read another of his articles, and it was excellent - the most well-written article I reviewed then. This one, Edenian Slang, is another fun read. The slang of the Edenian's is pretty hilarious: "Cold as a yeti’s chestnuts: dead" Hahaha! Really imaginative and descriptive. Some is actual slang from outdated English; some is invented by the author. All is humorous and fun. Though Edenian Slang isn't technically a full language, it's another imaginative and well-written entry by the author. Everything I've read from eccbooks is well worth the time.

6. For the sixth article I will review, the RNG coughed up #14, which is the MILITARY CONFLICT SPECIAL CATEGORY. There are 56 military conflict entries, and the RNG rolled up article #49, which is THE SECOND MICRO REBELLION by elspeth87.

The Second Micro Rebellion was a conflict between the Macrans of P'Ache Micro and the Primians of P'Ache Prime, the second attempt by the Macrans to gain their independence and freedom from the Primians. Sadly, they were unsuccessful in both attempts, but did succeed in forcing the Primians to reconsider their peace treaties, presumably resulting in better treatment for the Macrans. Velikka, elspeth87's world, seems really interesting. I will be reading more.

7. For the seventh article, the RNG again pointed me to the MILITARY CONFLICT SPECIAL CATEGORY. This time it sent me to article #23, The Tempest War by auzins92, edited by Uselessroom.

The article outlines an interesting history of Nel'Akhiron, a country governed by magic users that eventually fell in a cataclysmic disaster brought on by a conflict between two orders of magic users (the Black Order and the White Order) over control of who is allowed to use magic and how. The Lost Realms (the world in which the conflict takes place) appears to be early in its development.

8. The eighth roll of the RNG points to category #2, the TECHNOLOGY SPECIAL CATEGORY. There are 73 entries in this category, and the RNG takes me to article #72: Magic Lanterns by MYTH-X.

I enjoyed reading this article quite a lot. The artwork is colorful and attractive. I liked reading about the several different types of Magic Lanterns. I found myself thinking that I have quite a few Magic Lanterns myself, but I have to plug mine into the wall or put batteries in them. As Arthur C. Clarke said in his Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Reading this article reminded me of that - quite a lot of the technology that we take for granted today would be magical to someone of the not-distant past. The first non-magical lanterns were commercialized less than 150 years ago!

9. The next category the RNG pulled out of its hat was #22: GEOGRAPHY SPECIAL CATEGORY. There are 203 entries in this category, and the gods of randomness choose...#153. That leads me to another article by Lady Wynter, Caelum Prime.

Caelum Prime is the primary world that Lady Wynter has created. It is slightly larger than Earth and home to 26.3 million people. The ecosystem, biomes, and natural resources are similar to those on Earth, and the human population maintains balance between development and the health of the ecosystem. According the the Caelum Prime world meta, Lady Wynter intends to write a novel based on Caelum Prime. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it.

10. The tenth and final article I will review is in category #13, the DOCUMENT SPECIAL CATEGORY. Within that category, there are 77 entries, and I will read entry #16, Edicts of Arcane Law, created by Wulvenfire and Writer's Team, Gafgarion37.
The Edicts of Arcane Law are a compendium of (most of) the known knowledge of the magic users of Teralt, the world created by Wulvenfire. It was primarily written by Castor Valensra, a powerful mage that ascended to godhood. After a series of cataclysmic historical events, the Edicts of Arcane Law have been lost.   Though the article is relatively short, it is interesting, and it appears that there is a creative and imaginative story behind the Edicts. I will read more.

My Goals and Plans for Derkomai in 2024

Yesterday and today, I started outlining my To-Do list for Derkomai. It's long! One thing I want to do is to improve my maps. My map-making skills just aren't great. Perhaps I'm being too ambitious, but I'd love my maps to be really beautiful - actual works of art - but they are a long ways from that. I've been mostly using Wonderdraft to create my maps, then using Visio to add markers, layers, labels, and so on, mostly because I'm really familiar with it. But as a technical drawing tool, Visio probably isn't the best choice for making beautiful maps. And while maps created in Wonderdraft can be decent looking, they usually aren't really beautiful - at least not the ones I've been able to create, given my low level of artistic talent. Anyway, I'll continue to work at it and try out other tools. As for worldbuilding, here's my To-Do list as it stands today (with a lot of the detail removed for this article). It will no doubt change...

  1. Continue developing Sudland
    1. Finish Appleton and Dunton
    2. Finish Esten and Coalton
    3. Finish Southport
    4. Finish Daskar
    5. Describe and map other cities, towns, and villages
    6. Complete and add Sudland organizations
  2. Continue developing Senyon
    1. Develop a timeline of the imperial dynasties of Senyon
    2. Complete describing Yixing-Jiumin imperial family members - including updating character artwork
    3. Complete and upload map of Sendoshi
    4. Describe Sendoshi merchant shops and other locations
    5. Describe Senyon government
    6. Complete and add Senyon organizations
  3. Continue developing Koyon and Southern Wildlands
    1. Fix Koyon and Southern Wildlands map
    2. See Koyon page for To-Do work
  4. Develop other countries - see pages for each country for To-Do work
    1. Chessa
    2. Da Azmi Grissyond Okku
    3. Da Nis Grissyond Okku
    4. Danyund
    5. Manyund
    6. Nodyund
    7. Rigosland
    8. Teiyon
    9. Voatyon
    10. Yfel
  5. Add and describe points of interest
    1. Ruins, dungeons, habitations of monsters, etc.
  6. Describe additional species
    1. Fill out Dwarvirim and Orkrim
    2. Nomoedrim - Gnomes
    3. Halvirim - Halflings
    4. Kolbodrim - Kobolds
    5. Others?
  7. Fill out Sudkou and Nodkou languages (using VulgarLang?)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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Jan 2, 2024 08:11 by Elspeth

Thank you so much for reading my article, and it's great to hear that you found my world interesting! Good luck with your to do list! It looks long, but like there are a lot of exciting areas to work on! You've got this!

Jan 2, 2024 19:10 by Zero Sum Games

My whole to-do list is actually much longer than this, lol. I cut it down for the article, 'cause I was getting tired of formatting it, haha! I make a lot of to-do lists and set goals outside of WA. I mostly don't get everything done that I want to, but at least I have some sort of plan.

Jan 2, 2024 21:06 by Elspeth

I love that! I'm a list maker at heart too. I read somewhere that every time you make a list, you should order it and then take at least one thing off the bottom, because we tend to think we can do more than we have time to. :) I always find myself putting something on the end of the list I wasn't really going to do anyway! XD

Jan 2, 2024 11:33

Wow! Your plans for 2024 are very detailed! Good luck!

Check out the worlds of Starhome and Magic Earth
If you are looking for my Worldember articles check Magic Earth or My Worldember Progress Page
Jan 2, 2024 19:06 by Zero Sum Games

I actually removed a lot of the details for the article, lol. I tend to do a fair amount of planning work outside of WA, and I tend to make a lot of lists and set goals (for lots of stuff, not just worldbuilding). I think if I don't, I'll just sort of aimlessly wander around, getting nothing significant accomplished. As the saying goes, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." Often, I don't get done all the things that I write down, but at least I have some sort of plan and goals.

Jan 5, 2024 12:03 by Myth Cross

That exact quote is what inspires me when thinking about technology for Pathon! I'm beaming that this was picked upon! Thank you so much for including me with your Reso!   As a side note, WOW! I love how clean this page is! Best of good luck in the new year!


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

Jan 5, 2024 18:42 by Zero Sum Games

Arthur C. Clarke was a genius. I've read most everything he's written (I think), and I think his 3rd Law inspires a lot of sci-fi/fantasy writers. Like for you, it has for me, as well. Anyway, I was happy to read your article - it really was very well done.   I'd be interested in your comments on the Derkomai home page. I've tried to make it interesting, with some elements that people can interact with a little. Honest reviews and comments are always appreciated!!

Jan 5, 2024 19:46 by Myth Cross

I'll be honest (even though it admits more my own lack of tech savvy and navigational skills, admittedly), I visited earlier, after I read through this Article. My comp d/l'd the image slowly, so I thought it was an animated image and skipped over it, saw there was nothing, realized you said here that you were building your home page and moved on.   I was about to be pedantic, I believe, when I realized I should double check. I was going to say something like, "I think you need a primer!" But then I went back and realized "OH! There is one!" x D   Now, I'm an honest guy- I'll admit my wrongs. Most ppl aren't- and some might blame you for this and say its your shortcoming (why are ppl like that?) They'll also be robbed of a rich article and that report summary! I think maybe just a tiny enough blurb at the top, something that directly or indirectly calls the reader's attention to the books in the graphic. I notice that there's a "motivator" in the body of the e-mail, but it's inside the graphic, along w alot of other moving parts. But maybe something outside? Bc I missed some rly good Articles- the Primer itself, the report (chef's kisses), and the youtube player. That was truly my ignorance and I apologize!   I hope this is helpful! I just wanted to be honest! I quite like the atmosphere, themes and tone of your project and wish you all the best of good fortune in 2024! : D


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

Jan 5, 2024 20:16 by Zero Sum Games

I really appreciate the feedback. I'll think about the Derkomai home page more. It is pretty graphics and CSS heavy, so I can see that it might take too much time to download and render. And your suggestion about something to point people to the Welcome page/Planetary Intelligence Report outside the graphic is a good one. Thanks for taking the time to look at it and give me some constructive feedback. Not many people would.

Jan 5, 2024 21:33 by Myth Cross

Anytime! I try to be the kind of friend to writers I always wish I had! I wouldn't concern too much about your CSS elements bc it's a strong point! The graphic is also rly cool! If anything, you might put something like a spoiler button there- something subtle? It could serve as an indicator to check the msg (Id imagine w your skill you could make it blink, hover, sing or dance, y know, as it do x D), then when it opens, directly "You have a msg waiting". I only say that bc it's interactive, and interacting with things is fun! I'm always happy to give advice- even if it isn't taken cause I can be wrong. But, it's always good to bounce ideas when they're troubling- misery loves company! LOL! Best wishes!


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

Jan 6, 2024 09:52 by Zero Sum Games

I started thinking about it some more, and I changed some things a bit. If you have a minute, take a look and see what you think. Thanks again for taking time to give me some feedback!

Jan 6, 2024 15:37 by Myth Cross

Hahah! Yes! That attn box is superb! Fantastic job! My only piece of criticism is that it does block the headliner behind it. Maybe if it... pads up? I'm still learning CSS, but if you could lift it up a little bit from the headline block, it'll all be rly clear! I love that it moves, as well as the color palette- it definitely grabs your attention! Excellent work and continued successes for Derkomai! : D I noticed a few additional things; looking great!   My last piece of criticism, when I was on mobile viewing, it kinda bunched up the follow buttons/ display in the left corner? That didnt happen on PC tho, but just wanted to let you know!   Good day! : D


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

Jan 6, 2024 18:34 by Zero Sum Games

Thanks again for the feedback. I'll take a look at those things. I haven't paid much attention to how it looks on mobile devices, but I know a lot of people use their phones as their primary device, so I need to check that out.

Jan 6, 2024 18:42 by Myth Cross

: ) No problem! At the least, could've just been a freak thing.


Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

Jan 6, 2024 20:36 by E. Christopher Clark

Hooray for RNG leading you to one of my articles again, and thanks for the kind words. It was strange to not do a full-on conlang this year, which I've done the last couple, but I had so many other things I wanted to accomplish that a slang article felt like the most do-able.   Love your goals for this year. Good luck with them!

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Jan 6, 2024 23:30 by Zero Sum Games

I've enjoyed everything I've read from you, so I was happy that RNG pointed me to one of your articles again. I have a few languages that I reference in my world, but only one (Sudkou) that I have developed much (and that isn't very much, for sure). I've thought about using VulgarLang to fill a couple of them in, but haven't tried it yet. I don't know if I really want to delve into the depths of really developing a full-up conlang, so VulgarLang seems like it might be a good tool. Have you used it?

Jan 7, 2024 00:03 by E. Christopher Clark

I have and I enjoy it. It can work for anyone from a beginner who just wants to click a couple of buttons to someone who wants to go in and tweak every feature to get just the language they want.

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Jan 17, 2024 21:29 by Chase

Thanks for reading about the Edicts! I wish WA made the full document easier to see or even embed in the article, but if you click read full document, you can read the Edicts themselves (in case you haven't already). Thanks for checking out my world! And good luck with your goals this year!

Jan 18, 2024 01:20 by Zero Sum Games

I was happy to read it. I missed that I could read the actual Edicts - I'll go back and read them. It's interesting to compare and contrast the magic systems people have developed to the Origins of Magic on Derkomai (an article I wrote some time ago to explain how magic works there).

Jan 18, 2024 01:25 by Chase

Well I certainly hope you enjoy them. Do let me know what you think. I'll check out your article soon.

Jan 18, 2024 01:28 by Zero Sum Games

I was happy to read it. I missed that I could read the actual Edicts - I'll go back and read them. It's interesting to compare and contrast the magic systems people have developed to the *Foundations* of Magic on Derkomai (an article I wrote some time ago to explain how magic works there).