Great Southern Range

The Great Southern Range (Sanmak Da Sud) is a spur of enormous mountains heading east to southeast from The Great Western Mountains. Just to the north of the Great Southern Range, at the foot of the Great Western Mountains, lies Da Therasti Okku. To the south of the Great Southern Range, also at the foot of the Great Western Mountains, lies Koyon. Also south of the Great Southern Range, further to the east, lies the kingdom of Sudland.   At the northern base of the Great Southern Range, the Desert River flows out of the Desert Lake (Therasti Lok). Fed by many small streams flowing out of the mountains, east of Sudland and past the eastern end of the Great Southern Range, the Desert River turns south and merges with the Long River at The Impassable Jungle. There are small towns along the Desert River at the base of the mountains. The residents of those towns are miners, lumbermen, hunters, and so on. The metal, furs, wood, and other products they produce for export are caravaned or floated downriver to Kinkangshi, then transported to Kinsanaile, and from there down the East Border River to Eastport for export and distribution.


The mountains of the Great Southern Range are pushed up by a southern landmass making up Teiyon, Yfel, Koyon, Sudland, and the uncontrolled surrounding regions pushing north into the central landmass of Derkomai. At the same time, an undersea landmass is pushing into the central landmass and southern landmasses from the west. These collisiions cause enormous mountains the to pushed up and some volcanoes to be formed. The mountains of the Great Southern Range where it emerges from the The Great Western Mountains reach nearly 30,000 feet (over 9000 meters) in height. Glaciers permanently cover the high peaks, and streams flow from the glaciers, feeding the great rivers: the The East Dragon River, the East Border River
Alternative Name(s)
Sanmak Da Sud
Mountain Range

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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