
Daskari, or sometimes Old Daskari, is a reference to the traditions and culture of Daskar as it existed for hundreds of years before the defeat of the Emir of Daskar's forces at The Battle of Daskar by King Haakan Larssen and Earl Hans Ravndal and the founding of the Kingdom of Sudland.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The most prominent family name of the Daskari is Daskar, the family name of Elahe Daskar and Kelini Daskar, the two legendary leaders and founders of the city of Daskar. There are many, many other family names found in Daskar, with few or none besides "Daskar" unique to the city.


Major language groups and dialects

The ancient people of Daskar spoke a variety of languages from which the standard Sudkou language developed. The Daskar variant of the Sudkou language is still considered the standard dialect.

Culture and cultural heritage

Old Daskari culture is diverse. As the center and capital of the Emirate of Daskar, and one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities of Derkomai, travelers from many parts of what is now Sudland traveled to and traded in Daskar, and caravans and river boats with people and goods from other countries of Derkomai were relatively frequent visitors. Old Daskari culture welcomed visitors and immigrants, and even Elvirim and Dwarvirim maintained enclaves nearby, which were eventually surrounded by the Human districts of Daskar.

Average technological level

The technology of the Daskari is the same as the technology of the other, more advanced cultures of Derkomai, in accordance with the strictures of the Praxis Illicitus and Praxis Cogendi.

Common Dress code

The Daskari people were, and still are, modest, but not excessively so. The weather is generally moderately warm and relatively dry, so only somewhat warm clothing is needed most of the time. The culture is moderately traditional, so showing too much skin in public places is frowned on.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Face painting was an elaborate and well-established art form in ancient Daskar. Based on that art, a well-known tradition of the Daskari was Ranglagan Anuha, the face painting ceremony held before weddings. That tradition is not usually celebrated in present-day Daskar. Other old Daskari traditions have died out and are mostly forgotten.

Common Myths and Legends

The old Daskari people believed strongly that The Fall from the Stars is historically based and that the Human people of Derkomai came from other stars, known as "Earth" and "Mars," as the verses of the poem The Stars, the Stars say. As the centuries passed, fewer and fewer believe those legends are true, pointing to a variety of evidence, like the ability of Human and Elvirim people to interbreed, as proof that Humans have always lived on Derkomai.

Historical figures

The two most prominent of the legendary people of the Daskari are husband and wife, Elahe Daskar and Kelini Daskar, known as the Father and Mother of Daskar. They are credited with saving the people from the disaster of The Fall from the Stars, forging the The Treasure of Daskar, even reviving the dead.


Beauty Ideals

The ideal Daskari beauty has light to dark brown skin, an oval face with full lips and straight nose, straight, dark brown hair, and large brown eyes.
Elahe Daskar
Elahe Daskar by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Elahe Daskar
Daskari bride with face paint
Daskari bride with face paint by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
A Daskari bride with face paint
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Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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