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Bound Series
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Player Basics

As you’ve surely noticed by now, this wiki contains a fair amount of rules material. While the nuts and bolts of the altered game system are explained, you should also get the official books to fully understand where everything comes from. If you’ve never played a roleplaying game before, though, you may still be wondering what it means to be a player. Before getting into the nitty-gritty of tests and running scuffles, it’s worth taking a step back and reviewing a few basics.  

Tools of the RPG Trade

Your character sheet is a good place to start. You’ll find a character sheet when you create your character here on World Anvil. The character sheet is the cornerstone of your character. Make sure you bring it to each game session, as playing without it is difficult. Some players leave their character sheets with, or make copies for, the KT to make sure this isn’t a problem.   You should also ensure that your character sheet is up to date. It’s up to you to track Stamina, levels, class features, currency, and other details. When you show up at a session, your character should be ready to go. Stamina is going to change the most, going up and down as your character gets into fights and heals up. You may want to track this on scratch paper so you don’t have to constantly erase your sheet during play. If your character is wounded at the end of a session, be sure to note current Stamina so you have that for next time.   You’ll also want to bring dice (at least a complete 6 die DnD set), a pencil, some scratch paper for notes, and any drinks and snacks you might want during play. You may also need to bring one or more miniatures if you are using battle maps.  

Playing Adventures

During a session you will play your pony through an adventure. It’s the KT’s job to present the adventure and yours to play a leading role. An adventure is played out in a series of scenes known as encounters. Each encounter builds on the last and leads ultimately to a climax and a conclusion. At the end of each play session you get experience points based on the resolution of each encounter.   There are three basic types of encounters in Darkness Moon Chronicles:  
  • Combat Encounters or Scuffles: These are the classic action scenes that pit the adventuring group against one or more foes.
  • Exploration Encounters: These scenes are about delving into the environment, and include such challenges as finding clues, overcoming natural hazards, avoiding traps, and solving puzzles.
  • Roleplaying Encounters: These scenes are for conversation, intrigue, and investigation.
  Each type of encounter has different challenges and rewards. Some require a lot of dice rolling and others none at all. Different players around the table may prefer different types of encounters. One may live for the thrill of scuffling, another for the challenge of problem solving, and another for the immersion of roleplaying. A good adventure will use all three types of encounters to mix things up and provide something for everyone.

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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