Fabricator-General Character in Dark Heresy | World Anvil


A Fabricator-General rules over every forge world, and usually the most knowledgeable of all the Adepts & lower classes. The Martian Fabricator-General is a High Lord and is seen as the highest ranking out of all, in deference to Mars being the oldest & longest established.

Physical Description

Body Features

The Fabricator-Generals are highly individualistic in appearance. They are cyborgs, with primarily machine bodies, and little of their humanity left. Most just have a brain, brain stem, and spinal cord left of their original organic bodies. They gave their flesh seeing it as a weakness, and are linked to extensive machine bodies that can be modified in numerous ways.

Identifying Characteristics

Their heavily modded bodies can have any specialised gear the Mechanium can provide. They always have the Mechanium Cog symbol prominently displayed somewhere on their body & clothing. Most wear the red colour of Mars on their robes, and white & black combinations too, to show their allegiance to specific forge worlds.

Physical quirks

All Fabricator-Generals are unique in their appearance, and can have anything from a centuroid machine body, tracks in place of legs, machine limbs of strange design, multiple limbs, artificial eyes of different types, breathers that act more as a mouth & vocal cords, and much more. Each are limited to their own imagination, and their favoured working styles & specialities.

Special abilities

Each Fabricator-General will have the ability to survive hostile conditions, and warzones, due to the heavy modifications each has had done to their bodies. Also, their abilities to build, repair, and maintain equipment or technologies are second to none, while understanding the workings with anything to do with a scientific background. Each will have further upgrades allowing for a wide range of situations.

Apparel & Accessories

All are generally robed, usually displaying red somewhere on the robe. Some are predominately white or black, but all must contain red somewhere to denote fealty to Mars. All have a rod of office taking in the Mechanium Cog, and it can be used to interface with machines and/or a key to unlock secret chambers, laboratories and/or other facilities, or to open logis stacks.

Specialized Equipment

Each will have plenty of specialised equipment, besides their rod of office. These can be anything from personalised logis stacks, to mechandendrils, plasma cutters, injectors, flamer-cutters, lascutters, servo-harness, power drills, vibrosaws ,or servo-arm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Each Fabricator-General has risen through the ranks of the Adeptus Mechanicus to become amongst the eldest & wisest of their kind. Most are specialised in a specific branch of science, though quite a number will have at least minor knowledge of other scientific disciplines built up over the years or decades. During their extended lifespan, each Fabricator-General has become more machine than man, and many are nothing more that a brain & spinal cord in an artificial body. Their bodies take on any number of shapes, though many are designed with tools, instruments, i/o ports, and mechadentrites linked together.   Over the course of the decades, even centuries their minds become more machinelike and they almost always speak in Binharic Cant, the language of the Omnissiah, or some derivative of it.

Gender Identity

Most of them show little deference to either gender though most will have plenty of slight tics, and body modifications, that give an onlooker an idea to the original gender of the individual Fabricator-General.


Each Fabricator-General is a master of their field of expertise, and usually more besides. Most Mechanicus members show different affinities to different areas of science & technology, and usually are schooled accordingly when chosen to become a Techpriest. This carries out throughout he life of a techpriest, and given time they can pick up other basic scientific knowledge, usually related in some way to their primary field of interest. Because of this, the Fabricator-General will be able to touch on many subjects, allowing them to individually lead & advise their subjects to greater heights.   An unfortunate side effect though is that most of the information the Fabricator-General has is learned by rote, as improvisation, especially the at the most extreme end is heresy in the eyes of most of the Cult Mechanicus.


Each Fabricator-General was accepted into a forge world while young. From there they worked their way up in their respective forge world, and became a paragon of the Cult Mechanicus.

Intellectual Characteristics

Every Fabricator-General is highly intelligent and has a firm grasp on the science & technology present in the Imperium. Each has a tendency of placing the knowledge they have, and the knowledge of the Mechanicus on a higher level than most of humanity.

Morality & Philosophy

Fabricator-Generals are, like the rest of the Mechanium, are taught that only the y and they alone know the secrets of the universe. They also believe that the only blessed technology is that of Mankind, and that all others (especially the Xenos) is corrupt perversions. Each Fabricator-General preaches that the Omnissiah resides only with human machines. They further preach that the Cult Mechanium needs to gather every STC ever built by Humanity and when a fully working one is found will Humanity have complete access to their destiny.   They believe the flesh is weak and leads only to decay & death. Only by linking, and becoming machines will immortality be achieved. Also, the Fabricator-Generals are quite willing to send their Skitari forces into a warzone to die in droves if it allows better understanding of the enemy. The use the same philosophy to try out new armour or weapons. In the case of allied forces of the Imperium, they will happily let them be destroyed to a man if it benefits the Mechanium, and are quite willing to leave the field of battle if the Mechanium achieves it's own goals.


All generally preach that any deviation from their core beliefs, and by rote building of technology, will the Machine Spirits be properly honoured. Any deviation, by tweaking the sciences & experimentation, corrupts the Machine Spirit, and is both blasphemy & heresy of the highest order.   Any use of Xenos technology or sciences are deemed as an affront to the Omnissiah, and should only be studied as to work out how to defeat it.



Each has their own fiefdom or a planet or star system taking in their Forge World. All humans in the fiefdom essentially belongs to the Forge World itself, and ergo the Fabricator-General who in turn answers only to the Fabricator-General of Mars, and the High lords of Terra. This can last for decades if not centuries.

Contacts & Relations

The Fabricator-Generals only really answer to Terra, and one another. Mars and it's Fabricator-General is the only Forge World that all others pay fealty to directly. Most times they will wilfully ignore most other Adepts of other organisations in the Imperium, especially if meeting their quotas of materiel to the Imperium. The High Lords will be respected as they can easily call for a full examination of a Forge World, and the Inquisition is distrusted by the Fabricator-Generals, who view any Inquisitor as a thorn in the side.   They supply or advise on most tech and other technical goods (including biological & chemical) to the rest of the Imperium. This means that the Fabricator-Generals are disliked & feared by most Imperial Worlds. One disparaging remark about a Fabricator-General could mean the death of a world when something breaks down, or weaponry is withheld.

Religious Views

Each Fabricator-General is a member of the Cult Mechanicus, and seen as a figurehead in the worship of the Omnissiah.


When speaking each Fabricator-General has a grating machinelike voice that most outside the Mechanium or some industrialised worlds cannot stand for any length of time. They have a tendency to pepper their speech with technical jargon that the majority does not understand.

Wealth & Financial state

With such assets at their command, whole armies of Skitari, Adeptus Titanicus cohorts, Imperial knights, and Mechanium fleet assets answer directly to the them and them only. The High Lords are the only group that can directly make requests without demands being made in return, or questioned.
Current Residence
Forge World or Holy Terra
Replaced usually with cybernetics
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rarely any
Cult Mechanicus
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
The Fabricator-General can easily speak Binharic Cant, High Gothic, and Low Gothic.
Ruled Locations


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