Humanity Species in Dark Heresy | World Anvil


Humanity has survived for millennia, emerging out of Terra during this time. As a species it has adapted for the old times of Terra, and had to adapt to other worlds.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The main organisation is the Imperium of Man, with which is split into many smaller factions of which none ever truly know what the other is doing. Some are as follows:
  • The Inquisition.
  • The Imperial Navy.
  • Adeptus Custodes.
  • The Ecclesiarchy.
  • Adeptus Sororitas.
  • Adeptus Arbites.
  • Adeptus Mechanium.
  • Astra Militarium.
  • Adeptus Astartes.
  • Offico Assassinorium.
  • Adeptus Astra Telepathica.
  • Adeptus Administratum.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Lowe Gothic, High Gothic, Ligue-technis, Cant Mechanicus.


Humanity has a varied history, and eventually became the dominant sapient species in the Sol system. Originally adapted to live on the continent of Africa, it eventually moved all over Terra, adapting to the environments it encountered. Over this time, religions & science took off, as well as societies governed in many different ways.   Over the millennia, Humanity started to look to the stars. Constant space missions took it to the other planets  & moons in the Sol system, then with short jumps to the nearest stars. All the time science & technology took off at a faster rates. With it, came a number of discoveries. In no particular order was:
  • The Warp. When humans found the existence of the Warp it allowed them to make greater jumps in space making greater distances.
  • The Navigator Gene & Gellar Fields. After the Warp was found, experiments were conducted in genetic engineering that led to the first navigators. They could peer into the warp and guide ships to different points in space. With the Geller Fields, the ships were protected from the predators within this dimension.
  • AI. Humanity cracked the use of AI and had it in everyday use.
Over time humanity spread out amongst the stars, and made contact with both the Alderi (also known as the Eldar), and the Orks. Both proved friend & foe in different settings. At the same time, human civilisation flourished, and was becoming a mighty empire with worlds & systems trading with each other. Unfortunately this was not to last.   After a number of years, AI had developed enough and rebelled. The 'Men of Iron' led the charge against humanity across the stars and both suffered heavy losses, only for humanity to survive. At the same time, more & more humans were developing psychic powers, in part with the contact with Warp Space. This in itself led to many worlds & systems being torn apart by psychic phenomenon.  Terra itself, and the Sol System suffered greatly with technobarbarian tribes taking over vast swathes of Terra, and others whole planets. By this stage Mars had been terraformed, but ruined as heavy industry & the early Adeptus Mechanicus took over, seceding from Terran rule.   This happened over millennia, and reached the point in M29 & M30 when an immortal psyker calling himself the Emperor took over and conquered the Sol System. He eventually sent genetically engineered super solders (the space marines) to take over human worlds. Where he could he would bring them into the early Imperium, or obliterate them.   Eventually his favoured son, Horus (one of 20 odd Primarchs - the genetic forefathers of the space marines) rebelled causing the Horus Heresy in M31. After this humanity became more dogmatic in its belief, and started worshipping the Emperor (who was critically injured by Horus on the latter's battle barge), and eventually led to 10 millennia of stagnation and regression for Humanity overall. Now they toil under thousands upon thousands of different suns in the name of the most tyrannical of regimes in human history.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
Terra - Africa
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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